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Aarav said, “I can get behind that. When I watched everything at the casino going down yesterday, the only thing I could think was that I might have missed my chance to tell you how important you are to me and that all I want to do, for the rest of my life, is try to make you as happy as it makes me to spend time with you.”

Sola put her fingers over her parted lips, but they didn’t fully stifle her gasp. “I love you too, Aarav.”

He crushed his mouth to hers then, making Cash envious of them both. If nothing else, they’d have each other. And maybe, if he was lucky, he might get to share a taste of what that kind of link was like. Even if only for one night.

“And because I love you, Sola, I want you to have everything you desire. Including him.” Aarav pointed to Cash. “He’ll probably do a hell of a lot better job than I could of satisfying you with absolutely no experience.”

Sola snapped, “I enjoyed it plenty. Couldn’t you tell? Are you reallythatclueless?”

“Yes. Yes, I am. Didn’t I just say that?” Aarav huffed out a self-deprecating laugh. “I’m so far out of my league, it’s ridiculous. Especially considering the disproportionate population of sexperts in this town. Hell, in this very building.”

“Well, you’re in luck.” Cash grinned wide and slow. “Because I’m more than willing to teach you everything I know.”


Aarav had no idea how they’d arrived at this place he wouldn’t even have been able to imagine two days ago, but he couldn’t say he was sad that they were there. He led the way into his bedroom, dragging Sola, who in turn towed Cash behind her.

All he knew was that he’d been lucky enough for her to share herself with him once already and didn’t seem too upset by the idea of doing it again. This time with reinforcements.

As weird as it was to consider having an audience—and a few extra helping hands—when he had hardly gotten used to the way his senses intensified around Sola, Aarav couldn’t deny it took some of the pressure off to have someone more skilled as backup. Because the absolute worst-case scenario would be if Sola didn’t get everything she needed from the experience, especially after being so patient and waiting so long for him to get over his hang-ups.

He wanted to show her exactly how much she meant to him, and having Cash there would ensure he could do that. If there was some additional part of him that liked the idea of the other guy watching and participating, and maybe of…more…between them, then it had to be because what worked for Sola worked for him too.

At least that’s what he was telling himself as he made quick work of the sweats he’d only tugged on minutes ago, the waistband pressing his cock down so that when the pressure was released it bobbed and swayed, heavy between his legs.

“Damn.” Sola licked her lips and reached for him.

“I can understand your eagerness. But not yet.” Cash held her shoulders to keep her from claiming her prize.

Taking his cue, Aarav stepped back, his dick jerking in protest. Cash dipped his head, kissing Sola’s neck from behind, making her eyes flutter closed. Aarav braced himself for a wave of jealousy that never came. It only aroused him further to see her enjoy herself, surrendering to this new and strengthening bond between them.

“Come undress her. Slowly,” Cash instructed.

Aarav nodded. He wanted to savor the moment and make memories he’d never forget. Sure, he’d enjoyed the frantic coming together they’d had last time, but now…he aimed for at least some finesse. So instead of rending her clothes and stripping her bare in seconds flat, he started with her hair.

He took the elastic from the end of her braid and began to loosen it, unweaving the strands until they hung around her in curtains of soft waves. Then he massaged her head, making her moan and relax backward against the support of Cash’s chest.

Aarav couldn’t stop himself from sipping from her lips before placing reverent kisses on her cheeks and over her eyes. The room was hushed, the only sound that of their breathing, which started to synchronize as they came together.

He rested his forehead on hers as his hands trailed down her arms, briefly holding her hands before shifting to the hem of her shirt. He lifted it, Cash raising her arms so Aarav could drag the soft material over her torso before folding it neatly and placing it on a nearby chair.

“This is going to be so good,” Cash whispered in Sola’s ear, making her sigh. “Watch him. See how desperate Aarav is to have you and how much control he has.”

“Too damn much,” Sola grumbled, but she looked. And when their gazes collided, he swore his cock got even harder.

Her stare tracked his hands as he gripped her waist then sank to his knees, trailing the tip of his tongue along the ridges of her abdomen while his fingers dipped, sliding inside the waistband of her yoga pants. He peeled them down her sculpted legs, admiring every inch of muscle and the hard work she’d put in to turn her body into the marvelous machine it was.

Cash wrapped his arms around her midsection and lifted, so Aarav could slip her pants and socks from her feet. He stood gradually, adding the rest of her clothes to the neat pile he’d started before.

Now only her underwear and Cash’s say-so separated them.

“Don’t rush,” Cash told Aarav. “Take your time to look. Really see all of her. She’s making herself vulnerable and I guarantee she doesn’t do that with just anyone. If you appreciate her mind as well as her body, you’ll be a far better lover.”

Sola shivered at that. Then she griped, “I’m changing my decision. Cash is a bad influence on you.”

Cash chuckled. “If that’s really true, I’ll go and leave you two to this.”

Sola clutched his arm where it rested beneath her breasts. “Don’t you dare or I’ll let Aarav shoot you next time.”

Tags: Jayne Rylon Powertools: The Shields Erotic