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I knew he was going to say it was those Russian fuckers but a part of me had held out the hope it wasn’t true. “Solonik?”

“Not sure,” he groaned. “I think so. Naomi knew him.”

Shit. There was no doubt it had been Solonik. He was always one step ahead of us. Rancid had said as much before he died. Shaking my head, I realized I had been a total fool and played into Solonik’s hands the entire time. He knew all about the Tonopah Royal Bastards. I may have caught him off guard when I took Voltoy but now his uncle had Nylah and Trixie.

He would torture them, hurt them as much and as long as possible just to toy with me.

Looking down at my forearm of the tattoo of Willow, it was a reminder of why I would continue to seek retribution until she was completely avenged. This was no longer about vengeance for my sister alone, it was a rescue mission too. I wouldn’t stop until that Russian motherfucker was dead and his soul had been sent to Hell.

“Save her,” Patriot pleaded as our eyes met.

“I will,” I promised, moving so Grim and a few of the others could remove the bullet and stabilize him. “She’ll come back to you.”


anks,” he replied, his eyes fluttering. He was passed out again within only a few seconds.

Pissed, there was nothing I could do but wait. Solonik would contact me once he was ready. The video of Voltoy’s torture was probably worthless. My plan to use it to flush him out didn’t matter now.

“Hey,” Wraith called, clutching at his arm. “You should go to Xenon. He can probably track and find Nylah’s phone. He cloned it a couple of days ago. Wanted to have all the ol’ lady’s devices just in case.”

Fuckin’ genius.

“He gave Trixie a new phone and did the same per Patriot’s request.”

“Thanks!” I yelled, running from the bar and over to Xenon’s hideaway. I didn’t bother knocking as I opened his door, unprepared for what I saw. Cameras were operating on about six different monitors, but it was the carnage on the screens that made my blood boil. The upper right showed the inside of the garage and a tall man dressed in a dark suit pointing a gun at Patriot, Nylah, and Trixie. The weapon fired and launched Patriot into the girls. They all fell to the ground and I watched as Nylah stripped her sweatshirt and pushed it against Patriot’s chest. The action probably saved his life.

My Nylah was fierce and brave. She held onto her sister and rose to her feet, didn’t hesitate to have words with the Russian, following him out the open bay door. Switching to other cameras, I could see they left the compound and headed toward Vegas. A three-hour drive.

There was no guarantee that he left Tonopah at all, much less risking exposure with the two kidnapped women. I’d never actually seen Solonik and as the camera panned to his face and Xenon zoomed in, freezing the frame, I knew I would never forget that Russian prick as long as I lived.

“Xenon, can you –”

“I’m already on it,” he interrupted. He was silent for about a minute and it was the longest in my life.


“What?” I asked, my heart racing.

“The girls are at the fuckin’ Scorpion compound. Right outside of Tonopah.” Xenon shook his head. “That Russian asshole thinks he’s so smart. Fuck him.”

He began typing fast on a computer and a single monitor off to the side showed the main Scorpion compound where Razr lived since Acid died. I chuckled as I realized that Xenon’s cameras saw far more than any of us knew. Shit, he probably watched every one of us.

“Send me that video of Voltoy from your phone. I might need it.”

I texted it to Xenon and watched as he hit a bunch of buttons and then sound came through his speakers. I could hear the dry Nevada wind blowing and the roar of a couple of motorcycles as they pulled up close to the compound. Solonik didn’t bother to hide his appearance as he burst through the main doors and tugged a single female behind him.

My heart leaped into my throat as Nylah’s big blue eyes widened in fright. She wasn’t hurt, not that I could tell from the camera angle, but I was certain I wasn’t going to like what happened next. It barely registered in my head that Trixie wasn’t with her sister. All I saw was my woman used as a personal shield as the Russian placed his gun against her temple.

“Angel of Death,” he taunted. “Come. We have business.”

Fuck! He knew we were watching.

I didn’t say a word to Xenon as I ran from the room and through the clubhouse, pausing only once I was outside and seated on my bike. The engine roared to life as I hauled ass out of Tonopah and made my way to the BSMC headquarters. The entire ride flashed by in a blur. I never noticed I wasn’t alone until I saw Diablo, Exorcist, Bodie, and Lucky pull up alongside.

My Reaper had already surfaced, coming forward and ready for battle. I wasn’t taking any chances that I could be injured when I arrived. My four brothers and I had our skull print bandanas over our faces to hide the frightening and demonic presence from anyone who glanced our way. We must have been a sight on the back of our Harley Davidson Dyna Street Bobs and Super Glides, wearing our Royal Bastards cuts, and each of us sporting tons of ink.

I hoped we looked like the scary motherfuckers we were because we were about to throw down. No one was walking away. Not this time. Our Reapers were cleanin’ house.

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy