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I broke every toe on both feet, released the straps that held him down, and laughed as he tried to stand. That motherfucker wasn’t going far. He fell to the ground and tried to crawl away, but we picked him up and slammed his body down on his stomach on a nearby table. Once he was strapped down again, we did to him exactly as he did to all of those girls, including my sister.

Taking a tire iron Jameson had placed in burning coal earlier, he showed Rancid and leaned over him, waving it in front of his face. “This is for all the girls you raped, maimed, and

murdered.” Without warning, he shoved the tire iron up Rancid’s ass. A long, agonizing wail escaped as Jameson shoved it deeper and Rancid passed out.

“Did you kill him?”

“What fun would that be?” Jameson asked.

“You’re a sick fuck.”

“Never said I wasn’t.”

That was the second time justice had found a rapist and given him what he deserved. An eye for an eye. Karma, as I had said many times in my life, was a vicious bitch.

The torture lasted for hours. Rancid kept running his mouth and we kept adding more creative ways to shut him up. At one point, he was so burned, sliced, beaten, and nearly broken that it was time to present him to the rest of the club.

“Are you satisfied with all of this?” I gestured to the man who no longer resembled human.

Jameson shook his head. “I find no satisfaction in torturing that sick fuck. I’m just seeking justice for those he hurt.”

“Willow deserves justice. Not so sure we found it.”

“Willow deserves a hell of a lot more than justice. I fuckin’ let her down,” Jameson spat, his fists clenching.

“You can’t blame yourself.”

“Why? Like you don’t?” he smirked, and he was right. “We failed her. We should have stopped that motherfucker and removed the threat when we had the chance.”

For the first time, I realized that neither of us were to truly blame. We didn’t know Rancid was involved with the Black Market Railroad, or that he was planning on taking Willow to seize Jameson’s throne. We had no idea that Vladimir Solonik had told Rancid exactly what to do, that he’d been fed so much information on the club that he knew many of us, including me and Jameson. The more that Rancid had talked over the last few hours, the more we had learned.

We were dealing with a cunning adversary.

Rancid was nothing more than a pawn.

The Russians were the true enemy. They had infiltrated the RBMC and every single city where we held a chapter, stealing girls right from under our noses, and laughing about it as they united with our enemies. That was why Alexi Voltoy was with Razr.

We were being spied on and systematically ruined from the inside.

I pointed to Rancid, my ire piqued. “You want to blame someone, you blame this motherfucker right here and take it out on him. We didn’t do this, Elrik. It wasn’t our fault.”

I seemed to get through to him as he nodded. “I’m not done with him yet. The show’s about to get good.”

Jameson was one of the few people in this world that I completely trusted. I loved him as more than just an MC brother. He was my own blood. Family. We did this together. For Willow.

The promise to let Elrik handle this shit with Rancid and reclaiming his throne was the only thing that had held me back from exacting my own revenge and hunting Rancid down years ago. Torturing him had released some of the pain and brought a little clarity, but Willow was still gone. Complete satisfaction was only going to come after I found Solonik and finished what had been started this day.

The entire clubhouse was filled as all the presidents awaited Jameson.

“There’s someone you’re all gonna give a proper greeting to, but I warn you, his last breath is mine.”

Knuckles brought in Rancid at Jameson’s command, dragging him across the floor as his broken toes skid across the floorboards. He was shouting obscenities, threatening everyone in the vicinity. Didn’t take long to have him strapped down and facing the club he’d nearly destroyed.

Jameson grabbed him by the hair and lifted his head. “You have visitors.”

Rancid tried to spit in his face as Jameson gave him a menacing smile. “Take care of him.”

We all knew what that meant. A punishment reserved for those who betrayed their brothers.

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy