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Grim nodded. “Good. ‘Bout time.”

So, Jameson was back.

Fuck yeah!

“Sounds like we should be celebratin’,” Papa declared.

“Jameson ain’t here, Ian. He left to go see Barry Reed.”

Barry Reed? The pilot Bandit? The crazy fucker must still be alive then.

“I know where the Bandit lives,” Grim interjected, ticking his head toward the swamps. “Got a weird feelin’. Let’s move. His trailer ain’t far, Rael.”


Grim and I left Leo and Saddle in the bar with Papa and took the rental car out into the bayou, arriving a short distance from the trailer that Bandit, or Barry owned. Gunshots rang out as we exited the vehicle and Grim and I took off, heading toward the sound.

“I warn you, Jameson!”

Some stupid fuck was waving a gun around in the air, screaming at the top of his lungs that he wasn’t going down like Snake or Rancid. I could see his cut, but I wasn’t sure who he was. Didn’t matter. His arm was around some poor girl and he kept dragging her around, placing the pistol against her head. He was going to kill her, and I could tell by my best friend’s voice that this was someone he cared about.

“I’m giving you one more chance, Forger!”

Shit! That motherfucker Forger was the one helping rob Jameson of Bulldog’s money, his entire inheritance. Fuck that. I didn’t hesitate to take the shot as soon as I was able. The bullet pierced Forger’s skull and he fell to the ground as I bolted forward. Partially hidden in the shadows, I watched as Jameson scooped up the frightened girl and held her to his chest. I didn’t need to hear every word he was whispering in her ear to know that she was his.

Felt a bit surreal to see him love someone other than Willow. Wasn’t easy to let that slide but I did.

I stepped into the light as my best friend lowered his gun and a huge grin spread across his face. “Well, I’ll be damned. I guess the devil is on my side.”

“He is when I’m around,” I replied.

The two of us embraced, hugging one another hard. It had been far too long.

“I never thought I’d see your ugly mug again,” I joked.

Jameson laughed, shaking his head.

“You alright, sweetheart?” I asked the girl.

She stared at the both of us funny and then collapsed. Jameson caught her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll be by your side as soon as I can, Sadie.”

Grim approached, ending a phone call. “Papa is gettin’ drunk with Leo and Saddle. It’s gonna be a long night.”

“Yeah, it is,” I agreed, watching as Jameson handed Sadie over to his men. She needed a hospital. I recognized Colt and a few others. There was a lot of shit to handle and a few introductions, but the question I had next was the only one that mattered.

Where the fuck was Rancid?

Chapter 26 – Azrael

“You ready?”

I turned to Jameson, releasing a shaky breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Catching his gaze, I could tell he’d gone through some serious shit in the last six years. We each fought our own battles, but the moment had finally arrived for vengeance and both of us were looking forward to the bloodbath that would follow.

A motorcycle’s engine cut into the silence as we squatted in the trailer and took our positions. Guns out, we waited for Rancid to pull up Bandit’s driveway. He never suspected a thing as he slid off his bike and headed with purpose toward the front door. The second his hand turned that knob, his fate was sealed.

Nearly twenty Royal Bastards stepped forward, led by me and Jameson. Every gun was pointed at Rancid’s head and chest. One way or another, he was coming with us. We came down on him hard and slammed the butt of a gun against the back of his head.

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy