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“Take care of business.” Patriot’s tone was hard. “Make that fucker pay.”

“Will do.”

I focused on my sister, leaning back as I brushed her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear. It was always hanging in her eyes. An observation that had been true since we were kids.

“Why did you push me away, Mimi?”

Naomi sniffled as Patriot handed her a tissue and then set a box on the bed between us.

“I’ll just, uh, hang out by the door and make sure you both have privacy. If you need me, holler.” He was fumbling over his words, staring down at my sister with an expression I couldn’t quite read. Like she was a project he wanted to complete or a broken toy he wanted to fix. It wasn’t in a selfish or condescending way. I’d say it was fierce and protective. He seemed utterly absorbed with her.

How strange.

“I didn’t want Alexi to come after you. It was to keep you safe, Nylah.”

That made sense, especially if she was threatened. “Did you ever try to contact me?”

She nodded. “I sent you a text once. He found it.” Naomi began to tremble as I wrapped the blanket tighter around her shoulders. “He broke every finger on my left hand, one at time.”

Gasping, I couldn’t believe what she was saying.

“Then he brought me to the center of the main room where he kept us all together. All the girls were there.” She swallowed hard, closing her eyes. “He told them I had betrayed him, and they better never do the same as he lifted my skirt, pushed me down on all fours, and raped me right there.”

“Oh, God.”

“In both holes.”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Mimi,” I wailed, pulling her into my arms as she broke down. “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

There was a crunching sound across the room, and I looked up, surprised to find Patriot still listening. His hand clenched the frame of the door hard enough to crack. Pure fury shone on his face.

“You don’t have to say anymore,” I whispered, stroking her hair as she sobbed, clutching at my waist as I held her tight, rocking slowly back and forth as our mother used to do when we were little. “We’ll get through this, Mimi. Together. I promise.”

“Nylah,” she wept, soaking my shirt with her tears.

Helplessly, my eyes met Patriot’s as he cracked his knuckles. “He’s dead.” He only mouthed the words, but I knew he meant it. Out loud, he turned his attention to Naomi. “What’s that sick fuck’s last name, sunshine?”

“Voltoy. Alexi Voltoy.” She hiccupped, wiping her eyes. “He’s the nephew of Vladimir Solonik.”

Patriot went completely still. “You’re certain?”

She nodded.

“Fuck!” he roared. “Shadow! Toad!”

The prospects came out of nowhere and ran down the hall from opposite ends. I could hear their heavy boots hitting the floor.

“You stand guard over this room and protect these girls with your life.”

“Understood,” Toad croaked.

“Yes, sir,” Shadow replied, glancing our way.

“No one comes in here but me, Grim, or Rael. That’s an order.” Patriot spun on his heel and stomped down the hall. That man was out for vengeance. I could practically feel his resolve. He was going to hurt that Russian asshole and I wasn’t the least bit upset about it.

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy