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“I know this is a lot to handle. I’m here if you need me. Alright?”

“Stay safe.”

“I will.”

“Watch your back. Okay?”

“I know, always do.”

Bethany ended the call as I sank down onto my couch in shock. How could this happen? How were these girls being taken and trafficked? Why was no one taking this seriously?

The detective had said Naomi was a grown woman and could do whatever she wanted. Maybe she needed space after all that trauma. Just felt like they were dragging their feet to me. I didn’t want to be suspicious of the police, but I had doubts about their ability to handle my sister’s case effectively.

I needed help and there was only one person I knew that would be willing to go to any lengths to find out the truth. Rael was a Royal Bastard. His MC were one percenters. Maybe it was crazy, but I decided to call him.

When I searched through my phone contacts, I couldn’t find his name. Frustrated and confused, I didn’t understand why both Rael and Azrael didn’t exist. I was agitated. It took entirely too long to go through my entire list, but I finally found a new contact. Sexy Bastard. Muttering under my breath, I wasn’t surprised. He was so cocky it wasn’t that shocking he’d do it.

Dialing the number, I nearly held my breath. After six rings it went to voice mail. I didn’t leave a message. Ending the call, I tried him two more times and decided to leave a message this time. The voice recorder kicked on and his deep, sensual voice stated the Angel of Death awaited.

This really wasn’t my day.

I left a message warning him I was coming to the Crossroads and I needed him. It was urgent.

Tonopah wasn’t a large city. We all knew where the bikers in this city congregated. I always thought their auto repair business was located conveniently next door to a local bar. There was no way to know if it was just a regular bar or if they all lived in the building. It was once an old hangar the military used for planes and testing. It had been sold decades ago. My guess was Grim had bought it and probably got it from another biker before him.

The place was busy when I arrived. Rows of motorcycles were lined up outside. Several black vans and SUV’s were parked closer to the auto repair shop. Loud music blared from deep inside the bar and a few bikers were hanging out by the entrance smoking or making out with scantily clad women. I wanted to roll my eyes at the predictable image it conjured but didn’t have the time.

I lifted my chin up with determination and marched toward the exit, ignoring the catcalls and whistles tossed in my direction. Once I was inside, I had to wave the smoke out of my face. It was thick. A combination of cigarettes and marijuana. The room was packed but I didn’t pay close attention to anything other than the bar situated in the middle. The stools were all filled.

The noise in the room lowered as I made my way toward the bartender, a short brunette that was passing out shots of liquor. She shook her head when she saw me, and I didn’t know what to think.

“Who are you looking for?” she shouted once I was close enough.


Her eyes widened. “Uh, he’s in the back I think.”

That wasn’t very helpful. I didn’t know my way around here at all and it didn’t seem wise to go searching for him on my own. The entire bar was nothing more than a wild party. Someone grabbed my arm and I looked up, stifling a scream. The biker’s face was painted in red with black markings that oddly resembled a character from Star Wars. The one who killed a Jedi Master. I tried to remember his name since I hadn’t seen the film in years. It had to be Darth Maul. Naomi was a huge Star Wars fan. She made me watch the whole series from start to finish more than once.

The guy didn’t say a word as I was yanked toward the nearest exit.

“Let her go. Now.”

The room went completely silent instantly, even the music. Rael was standing only a few feet away, arms folded across his chest as a thunderous expression covered his face. He was back to wearing that freaky skull makeup and I trembled in response.

“She doesn’t belong here.”

“I’ll take care of it, Diablo.”

My arm was released as I stepped backward into a solid muscular chest. Warm breath blanketed my ear. “That was either brave or stupid, not sure which. Stay close to me and don’t leave my side.”

His hand grabbed mine and led me in the opposite direction. We entered a dimly lit hallway and passed a couple practically going at it against the wall. Rael smirked as I blushed. We paused at a door and he used a key to unlock it, yanking me inside.

“What the hell are you doin’, kitten?”

Chapter 13 – Azrael

“What the hell are you doin’, kitten?”

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy