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As the hour grew late, I knew I needed to leave this hospital before Alexi sent someone else to finish what was started or he showed up himself. I had no idea why he suddenly wanted me dead, but it didn’t matter. Maybe I ceased to be of interest. He was probably bored. Alexi could be cruel when that happened. He’d done unspeakable things to girls like burning them with cigarettes, shoving objects inside them, or allowing the guards to inflict torture while they were fucking them. He’d accidentally killed one when his favorite guard – Sven – choked a girl out as he took her ass brutally.

I would never forget her screams or the sound of them suddenly choking off . . .

No, I needed to leave this hospital and get the hell out of Tonopah.

I slid from the bed and looked for my purse. Maybe I was lucky enough that no one stole it or tried to steal what was inside. I found the handbag in a closet and dumped the contents on the bed, sighing with relief when the false bottom revealed my stash. There was enough cash here to go wherever I wanted.

I could start over.

Leaving Nylah behind hurt but she was better off without me in her life. She deserved to be happy and I wouldn’t be the cause of continued pain. Swiping away a stray tear, I found a t-shirt and leggings in my bag and dressed. Every movement was painful. My muscles were sore and ached. I wanted to take more pain meds but that would dull my senses and I needed them now. I had to stay alert.

Alexi wasn’t done with me yet.

My life was in danger. The only option was running away.

Chapter 9 – Azrael

There was a full party in progress when I cut the engine of my bike and parked outside the Crossroads. The hour was late. None of the ol’ ladies would be out. They’d all be behind closed doors taking care of their man. The cookies or club whores would be serving drinks and flashing tits and pussy, hoping for a wild ride of their own.

I walked inside and picked up the shot of whiskey set before me, not even bothering to see who served it. Slamming the glass down, I ignored the scent of weed, booze, sweat, and leather as I made my way toward my room. It had been a long night. I just wanted a shower.

Halfway down the hall, I heard screams and shouting. Sometimes the party became a little too wild. Unless someone was hurt, I never intervened. This time, I could tell it was serious.

“Rael!” Snooki yelled, calling out with fear in her voice.


I didn’t have to ask what room the commotion was coming from. I ran toward Patriot’s and paused in the doorway. He had Becca beneath him, his hands around her throat as he squeezed. The man was butt ass naked as the day he was born. His eyes were glazed over, and he was muttering nonsense. All I caught was “Blackjack” and “motherfucker.” I knew enough of his past to piece together what was happening.

Patriot suffered from PTSD. The guy had lost a bunch of his fellow Marines overseas and often had nightmares. Once in a while they would trickle over into his life and he couldn’t handle it. Like now. He wasn’t seeing Becca. His reality was back in Iraq.

“Fuck,” I cursed, bolting forward.

I slammed into Patriot hard and we both tumbled over the side of the bed as Becca coughed and sputtered, crying as Snooki tried to comfort her. The girl was in shock. I looked up and caught her bloodshot eyes and the marks surrounding her neck. She shook her head as Snooki led her from the room. I didn’t see who else entered in the chaos as I sat on Patriot’s chest and he lashed out, swinging his fists. One connected with my right cheek and I nearly toppled over but remained in place as another set of hands appeared.

Looking up, I found Grim and Wraith standing at the foot of the bed as Mammoth yanked Patriot to his feet and landed a brutal punch to his jaw. That seemed to do the trick.

A groan escaped Patriot’s lips as the vague expression on his face gradually disappeared. He blinked, looking at Mammoth and then me. “Who did I hurt this time?” The crack in his voice about broke my fuckin’ heart.

“Shower, Patriot. Now.” Grim didn’t indulge him. It wouldn’t end well.

Patriot was usually a goddamn mess after one of his episodes. He was emotional, pissed, and remorseful. A dangerous combination cured with alcohol, solitude, and a long meeting with Grim the next day. Our pres shook his head and sighed as Patriot disappeared into his bathroom and shut the door. We didn’t stick around. The man needed some privacy.

Grim snagged Toad as we emptied into the hall. “Stay here all night. He tries to leave, you come get me right away. You hear anything funny, you better get your ass to me as fast as you can.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t fail me, prospect. I don’t need to lose a brother.”

Toad swallowed hard. “Understood.”

Grim didn’t have to say that he was afraid Patriot would try something desperate. Sadly, Patriot had attempted suicide once a few years back. The experience had shaken all of us. We didn’t speak of it around Patriot but those were some dark days.

That was the thing about being one with the Reaper. We were invincible when we embraced his form but when we were alone in our mortal bodies without him, we were just as vulnerable as any other person. We could bleed and die as easily. Only the presence of the Reaper prevented permanent injury or death. A compromise we made when we agreed to a contract signed in our blood.

This night had been a fucking disaster and I was glad it was over.

I headed back to my room and used the key to enter, shutting and locking it behind me. Sometimes I left it open for Snooki to pop in. She liked to wake me up with her lips wrapped around my cock. It was a mutually beneficial agreement. When my door was locked, she knew I was preoccupied. In all honesty, I hadn’t left it unlocked as much lat

Tags: Nikki Landis Fantasy