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More silence. Buzzing with irritation, Viori settled onto the furs as far away from Micah as possible. Her eyelids grew heavy too quickly. Tonight, she would not cuddle up to him. No matter how deliciously warm he was. Not again. It was her last thought before drifting off...

“Rise, Red. Now.”

At the sound of Micah’s rough voice, Viori jolted to awareness and discovered she had indeed draped herself over him a second time. Cheeks burning, she scrambled to her knees, severing contact. “Really, Your Highness. You’ve got to stop burrowing your way underneath me. It’s unseemly. Whatever will your people think?”

From his position on the pallet, he scoured a hand from the top of his brow to the thicker-than-usual stubble on his jaw, erasing his expression—or trying to. He couldn’t mask the tightness around his eyes or douse the flames inside them. Couldn’t hide the soft lips he’d compressed into a thin line, or the stubborn slant of his chin.

Tremors invaded her limbs. Was she making progress with her flirtation—without flirting? Did he desire her, as she’d previously suspected? Did he crave her specifically? Or was she merely a receptacle right now? The female currently available?

Viori buried her claws in the sheet rather than his face. “Let’s try this again. Good morning, Micah,” she said as cheerily as she was able. “Please assuage my curiosity. Am I worthy of conversation today?”

“When I have orders for you, I suppose you are.” He rose from the pallet, his dark hair a mess and his clothing wrinkled.

“We’re going to be spending a lot of time together. Shouldn’t we try to be friends?” A friend. Not something she’d ever had. Not something she could ever afford. She ignored the tide of longing. “Well?”

“No.” He splashed water on his face. Cleaned his teeth. Gathered clean clothes. Finally, he glanced at her over his shoulder, his eyes narrowed. But it wasn’t anger or upset he projected.

Oh yes. This male desired her specifically. Exactly what she’d hoped. A delightful turn. For her mission. Breathe. Just breathe.

“Wh-what?” she stuttered when his stare persisted.

“You are an enigma.”

Though her cheeks burned, she pretended she knew the meaning of the word. “How dare you. I am no such thing.”

Blink. The semblance of a smile. “You think you are easy to understand?”

“Easy to—Oh. Um. Yes?” She gulped, hot shivers pricking her skin. Flutters ignited in her belly. Suddenly she didn’t know what else to say.

“Hmm.” He stepped behind a privacy screen.

Whoa. Hold up. A privacy screen? That’s new. Relief warred with disappointment. She hadn’t intended to dress in front of him, but she’d kind of looked forward to watching him dress in front of her. The muscles hidden beneath his tunic...

As garments rustled, her breath jammed in her throat. How should she handle Micah today? Flirting more and encouraging stronger desire now struck her as...risky. But oh, how she coveted his secrets. And only his secrets. The fizz of excitement sprang from thoughts of success—of reuniting with Kaysar—and no other reason.

“Micah,” she purred. “I’m happy to draw you a map of my needs and wants to aid your understanding.” Or perhaps a bit more flirting couldn’t hurt. “I know how much you love to study your maps.”

Her bottomless pit of a stomach growled before he responded.

“Eat,” he commanded, his tone giving nothing away.

“Well. If you insist.” She scanned the area—Yes! A feast was already spread over the table. What a glorious sight. But also annoying. How many servants had entered the dwelling without her knowledge, while she dozed atop their exalted king?

A worry for later. Viori hurried over and devoured the meal, lest anyone arrive and think to steal a morsel for themselves.

When Micah walked over and snagged the last delicacy from her death grip, she almost stabbed him with a fork. Then an ember of guilt singed her. Shouldn’t she share something with her host? He’d eaten so little. And she was in the process of charming him.

“Clean up,” he commanded, then tossed the small croquette into his mouth.

“Why?” she asked with a pout she couldn’t contain. “So you can spend another day showing off your dungeon and ignoring me? Pass.”

“We’ll be venturing somewhere new today.”

Really? A chance to further her cause! Bubbling with triumph, Viori hurried to wash and change into the yellow gown.

When she abandoned the screen, Micah looked her over and gulped before giving a clipped shake of his head.

“Shoes,” he announced.

Don’t waste time arguing. Shouldn’t give him a chance or reason to change his mind about our adventure. “Whatever His Majesty desires, of course.” Most importantly, don’t cringe. Too late.

Grumbling under her breath, she padded back to the screen. She’d noticed the footwear, but she’d hoped he wouldn’t notice the lack.

Viori tugged on the boots. Such heavy soles. Ugh. She wrinkled her nose. How uncomfortable. If she considered anything but her cramped toes, she would be shocked.

Tags: Gena Showalter Fantasy