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“But you have an idea.” I looked at Blue. “What did they take in there? A map? Popcorn and a movie? A spaceship? Come on, Blue. Help me out.”

She let out a long breath. “They took four guys in there. Italians.”

In that moment, Jean-Pierre stepped up. “They took four Italians into that room for questioning?”

“Naw.” I shook my head. “If they were questioning them or having a meeting, then their number ones would be in there too.”

David gritted his teeth. “Kazimir said that his Mouse needed to blow off some steam, so they took the men in their with some of the Lion’s tools.”

I frowned. “What tools?”

David pursed his lips.

Blue muttered, “Knives, saws, flame torch.”

My nerves frazzled. “Say what now?”

David nervously ran his fingers through his hair. “We are not to disturb them.”

Jean-Pierre quirked his brows. “They’re torturing four Italians for fun?”

Kazimir! You can’t do that shit with Em. Her psycho is built different from yours.

My heart pounded in my ears.

Blue looked away.

David’s frown deepened. “I was told to not let anyone in until they were done. . .doing whatever they are doing.”

I opened the button of my jacket so I could grab my gun quick.

David watched my hand. “What are you doing?”

“Move so I can go in there.”

“Are you serious right now, Max?”

“If it were just the Lion’s sick ass slicing and dicing I wouldn’t care, but Em in there is a no-go. Do you understand me?”

Blue gave me a sad smile. “I know that you want to protect the Mouse but—”

“Protect the Mouse?” My voice shrieked. “I’m trying to protect us all!”

Blue widened her eyes.

“Because if you let Em playfully torture dudes then it’s a guarantee that Dark Em is going to come out and no one wants that shit.”

Jean-Pierre looked at me. “Dark Em?”

“You don’t even want to know, man.”

King David stirred. “Listen, Max. I can’t—”

“You will.” I placed my hand in my jacket. “You know that I fuck with you, David. Honestly, I have nothing but respect for you. Don’t make this a thing between us. I would hate for Baba to have to buy flowers for your casket.”

David scowled.

“Just step aside, man.”

Jean-Pierre placed his hand on my shoulder. “That won’t be necessary, Maxwell.”

“It won’t?” I glanced over my shoulder.

Jean-Pierre’s men pointed their guns at Blue and King David’s heads.

“There we have it.” I shrugged. “Now you two have the excuse of saying that the Butcher and I barged in. You were forced to step aside.”

David sneered. “I wouldn’t be a good number one if I just let you—”

“You think they should be in there torturing motherfuckers?” I leaned forward. “Seriously? Do you?”

He looked down at the ground. “They’ve had a rough week.”

“Not as rough as mine and I’m not torturing anybody.” I touched my chest. “Step aside.”

Blue moved to the left.

King David went to the right.

“Perfect. I’ll tell Kazimir that it was a whole battle to get you all to let me in.” I touched the knob and turned. It was locked. I slammed myself against the door several times to loosen the lock and then kicked the door in.

That’s if, Em hasn’t killed that motherfucker already.

The door swung open.

The stench of death and blood was the first thing to hit my nose.

Then, I caught the sight before me.

My stomach twisted and turned.

I had to fight the urge to vomit. The scene before me was one of pure carnage and a great inspiration for nightmares.

Blood was everywhere, splattered on the walls and pooled on the floor. There were body parts strewn about the room, some mangled beyond recognition. Others were piled on top of each other like a gruesome puzzle with no hope of ever being solved.

Right in the center was the Lion and Mouse. Both were naked. Kazimir held her close to his chest.

Em was a limp doll in his hold. Her head lolled to the side. Her arms dangled. Yet, I could see the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, slow and even.

She passed out. Dark Em is back.

I pulled out the tiny switchblade in my pocket and headed inside.

Kazimir looked up from Em’s sleeping bloodied body. “What are you doing?”

I continued forward.

I shouldn’t have left her. I should have stayed.

Blood stuck to my shoes.

“Get the hell out of here, Maxwell!” Kazimir barked at us. “Butcher, what the fuck are you doing in here?!”

I stopped at the first corpse, kneeled in the blood, and drew a smiley face on the man’s cut-up chest.

One down. Three more smiley faces to go.

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Tags: Kenya Wright Dark