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Jean-Pierre raised his eyebrows. “You mentioned the Dragon.”

“It’s rude to listen to people’s conversations when you’re not in it.”

“It is dumb to aggravate the Dragon.”


Jean-Pierre nodded.

“I don’t know dude like that, but if he fucks with my friends then I’m going to kill him.”

“And who is your friend?”

“Let’s get back to your mission. Who is Timur?”

“You’ll receive information when you need to.”

This motherfucker.

The Bentley left the highway and merged onto a small two-lane road that wound between grassy fields bordered by hills.

This Timur guy is really in the mountains.

Few other vehicles drove on this road. It was miles of grazing cattle scattered around faded barns.

After an hour of silent cruising, I turned his way. “How’s Eden doing?”

Jean-Pierre looked my way. Death filled his gaze.

I shrugged. “I’m just starting conversation.”

“Never concern yourself with what is mine.”

“I’m just saying. It didn’t look like you sent her a text or anything.” I gave him a sly smile. “If she was mine, I would have dropped her a little sexy call.”

“But she is not yours, Maxwell.”

Tension rose in the air.

Jean-Pierre glared at me. “You don’t like me?”

“You’re just getting that now?”

“I’ve made several attempts to warm the bond between us.”

“Then, don’t waste any more time. There is no bond and we don't need any warming. Shit is already hot between us."

"And why is that?"

"Em has forgiven you for the whole kidnapping thing, but not me.”

“I thought only the Lion still held that resentment.”

“Naw. I’m a Scorpio. We inspired the saying, ‘You’re dead to me.’“

“I’ve treated you like a guest.”

“You did that for Em. Not me.”

“There has been disrespect from your side, yet you are still alive because of Emily.”

“I am.”

“Let’s hope it remains that way.”

“Oh, it will. Trust me on that.” I sneered at him.

He didn’t flinch or turn away. He met my energy. I was sure he was imagining my death in his head.

I’ll live longer than you.

The Bentley left the two-lane road, making me check the window.

Out here, the clouds began to darken to gray, announcing an oncoming storm.

This new road shifted to rocky and led us up a hill. Large trees and bushes outlined the road. Every four feet there was a big wood sign painted in black letters that read, "No Trespassing."

The Bentley rode further.

Another sign appeared, warning, "Do not proceed."

We continued forward.

The next sign read, "Turn around or die."

“Eh, man.” I scrunched my face in confusion. “Did you let this Timur know that we are coming.”

Jean-Pierre remained silent.

I gestured to a new sign warning about death to trespassers. “I ask because he doesn’t seem like the type of dude that wants unexpected company.”

“It does not matter. Hopefully, he will be warm to our visit.”

“But, does he know we're coming?”

“He doesn’t.”

“Is he cool with people just rolling up on him?”

“I doubt it.” Jean-Pierre grinned. “Hopefully, he doesn’t accidentally kill one of my men or perhaps. . .you.”

I frowned. “Are you threatening me?”

“I just hope you don’t get killed today.”

I didn’t like the way he worded that. It was as if this was his plan along. Maybe, he knew that I was flirting with Eden. A guy like that probably had tons of men around watching her and spying. I’d hoped so at the time, not giving a fuck what he had to say.

Now, with me so far away from Em and in these fucking mountains, I was rethinking my strategy.

Naw. I’m just being paranoid.

Jean-Pierre couldn’t return to Italy without Boris and me. He would have to have one hell of a reason for why I died.

I studied the Butcher.

Humor covered Jean-Pierre’s face.

My nerves flared. “If I get killed, Em is coming for you.”

“Not necessarily.” Jean-Pierre shook his head. “Perhaps, we should consider a hypothetical."

My frown deepened.

"Timur accidentally kills you due to trespassing. If that occurred, then Emily will want to go after Timur, but Kazimir and Misha will probably stop her. That’s my guess.”

I didn’t understand where this was going. “Why would Kazimir want to keep this guy safe?”

“Timur is his godfather.”


“Timur was also Kazimir’s father’s best friend. Later, Timur served as Kazimir’s mother’s personal guard. He took a bullet for her. And once Kazimir was kidnapped as a toddler.”

“Timur got him back?”

Jean-Pierre nodded. “And brought the kidnapper’s head to his father. Therefore, the Brotherhood owes Timur a great amount of respect—the sort of respect that would make them pause when it comes to revenge.”

“He can’t kill me though.”

Jean-Pierre shrugged. “If he didn’t know who you were at the time and it was an accident— ”

“Listen, man. I don’t know what you think is going to happen here, but—”

“Why do you think that you do not have your guns?”

I touched my jacket again, even though I knew it wasn’t there. “Don’t worry about it.”

“That was the stewardess’s one job. Make you put down both of your guns."

My head ached.

"Somehow she ended up getting fucked too, but. . .maybe that was a kindness for you.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Dark