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“I... I’ve been around,” I reply, clearing my throat. “I... What would you like to buy?”

Jack’s eyes go frighteningly cold, making my stomach curl in trepidation. He jams his hands into his pocket and steps away from the counter.

“Cigarettes. I know where to find them.”

I let out a deep sigh of relief as I watch him turn away from me to go about his business.

I clamp my hands together to stop them from shaking as I try to regulate my breathing.

I try to think of what could have brought Jack this far. There are a number of things, but none of them make sense with a second thought.

He couldn’t have tracked me down to this place or anything, right?

Thinking about it, Jack’s house is at the other end of town, and there are two overnight convenience stores in the area. Why would he come all the way here to buy a pack of cigarettes?

“Here,” Jack’s raspy voice jerks me out of my musings. He places a pack of cigarettes and a half-drunk can of beer on the counter, his thin lips pulled up into a smile that sends chills up my spine.

I try to keep a straight face as I scan his purchase.

“That’ll be ten ninety-eight,” I say, trying to muster a small smile.

“Here,” Jack says, holding out a hundred-dollar bill to me.

I reach out to take the money from him, and he grabs my hand in a painful hold, jerking me roughly against the counter.

I let out a frightened yelp and grab onto the countertop for support with my free hand.

“What are you doing?”

Jack leans forward until his face is mere inches from mine, and a chilling smile slowly spreads across his face.

“Did you think you could run away from me, Mel?” he asks in a mild tone that contradicts his painfully tight grip on my hand. Pain shoots up my hand to my brain in dizzying waves. I struggle against his hold, but that only makes him angrier. “You little fat slut,” he continues through gritted teeth. “You should be grateful that I want you. Who the hell is it?”

“Wh...What are you talking about?” I ask in a shrill voice, scared out of my mind.

I throw a desperate glance at the door, hoping someone will just come in. Anyone.

Why does the store have to be so deserted tonight of all nights?

“Who the hell is the man you’re sleeping with?” Jerk asks, his nostrils flaring with barely contained anger. His eyes are frighteningly blank like he’s high on something. “You’re staying in a man’s house, aren’t you? Did you think I wouldn’t find out?!”

“You’re hurting me, Jack,” I cry. “Let me go!”

Suddenly, Jack goes flying across the store and into the nearest racks.

I gasp in surprise, looking around wildly for the attacker, or savior in this instance.

My eyes grow unbelievably wide as I watch Abram march up to Jack and yank him up by the collar. He rams his fist into Jack’s face once, then twice. Blood spurts out of Frank’s mouth as he groans quietly. Jack lets out a howl and doubles in pain as Abram jams his left knee into his crotch.

“Abram!” I scream as he raises his fist to throw another punch.

He freezes and turns toward my voice, eyes unfocused.

I’ve never seen him so furious.

The usually warm depths of his blue-green eyes have gone frighteningly dark. His body seems to vibrate with uncontained fury.

Something tells me he really will beat Jack into a stupor if he isn’t stopped.

Tags: Flora Ferrari Romance