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Chapter Seventeen

Beck thought he would go crazy with the waiting. Caleb and Rachel claimed they were on his side but they still wouldn’t tell him where she was and he hadn’t talked to either of them in about thirty-six hours. They both had reassured him the last time they talked that they had a plan and it was going to be brilliant. He didn’t care about brilliance. He wanted a plan that had Eve and Paisley back with him.

Friday night his phone rang and he snatched it up.

“My boy!” Papa’s booming voice came over the line.

“Hi, Papa.” Beck went out back and paced his large patio. It was a beautiful summer’s eve but he was missing Eve and Paisley, so much he couldn’t appreciate much of anything.

“I’ve got a great solution to your marriage problem.”

Beck groaned but asked, “What’s that?”

“I met this gorgeous redhead at the grocery market of all places. She’s a couple years younger than you, has half a brain, and a bleeding heart. Said she’d marry you tomorrow to save the children. What do you think?”

Beck sank into a patio chair and leaned his head back, sick to his stomach. “No. I love Eve, Papa. I can’t marry anyone else, even if you do follow through with the stupid hyenas.”

Grandpa laughed. “Okay, then, meet me at Boulder Country Club about two tomorrow. We’ll golf, eat dinner, and try to forget about the misery of all your money going to the hyenas. Stupid lovesick sap that you are.”

Beck sighed and agreed. He was a stupid lovesick sap. He agreed to meet Papa at two. He enjoyed golfing and wanted to spend time with his grandpa before the old man passed, even if he was giving his money to the hyenas instead of the children. What a jerk Papa was sometimes.

Beck spent a restless night and worked out hard at Eve’s gym the next morning. Instead of practicing at the rink, he went for a long, hot run outside, ate a boring lunch by himself, then showered and headed to the golf course. When he pulled up, the valet predictably goggled over his car and promised him he’d treat it with tender care. Beck wanted to tell him it was just a car and only the woman he loved should be treated with such awe and tender care.

He walked inside and was greeted by a gentleman in a suit. “Beckett Tanner?”

“Yes.” He shook the man’s hand.

“Come with me, sir. It’s a pleasure. Your grandfather wanted to meet you through here.” Beck thought the guy was acting a little odd, but he went with him.

They walked into a nice room off the main area, next to the restaurant. His grandfather was waiting there with Rachel and her husband Abe. He recognized them from the online photos. They all stood to greet him, grinning like they’d stolen the Stanley Cup and gotten away with it.

“Hey.” He walked over and shook Abe’s hand, receiving hugs from Papa and Rachel. “You two joining us for golf?”

“No, sir.” Rachel laughed. “I wouldn’t want to put you all to shame.” She winked. “We’re here for your wedding.”

Beck’s heart thudded faster. Eve? He prayed desperately,Please say they mean Eve. “Please say you’re not here to try to talk me into marrying some redhead.”

“Redhead?” Rachel wrinkled her nose. “We’re here to give you away to my sister.”

Beck’s heart threatened to explode out of his chest. “Eve’s here? Where?” His gaze was darting around as if she were hiding behind the furniture.

“Calm down.” Papa slapped him on the back. “Desperately lovesick sap. She’s waiting outside with the rest of her family and the preacher.”

Beck turned and hurried for the door.

“Wait!” Rachel called. “You have to put on your suit.”

Beck whirled around. “Eve wants to marry me?”


“Who cares about the suit?” He started toward the door again.

“Get the suit on, son,” Papa instructed. “Let her know how special she is to you. Women care about this wedding nonsense even if we don’t.”

Abe chuckled but Rachel silenced him with a look.

“Okay.” Beck conceded. “Where’s the suit and where do I change?”

Tags: Cami Checketts Jewel Family Billionaire Romance