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“No, it’s not that. It’s just …” She closed her eyes. He might not return the feeling, but she had to be brave and throw her pride in the trash. These past three weeks of craving him had shown her that her pride wasn’t worth being without him. “I didn’t know you had an actual job for me. I wanted to be with you.”

Seth’s eyes widened. “But after the police station that night, in the park, you were so adamant about your pride and me just taking Ridge with me. I had no clue you would’ve come with me. So, I let Mar win the argument and offer you the job. You’d be willing to work for me now?”

She stepped back and shook her head, feeling awkward and embarrassed. If he wanted her, he would say it, not recall the stupid words she’d said when she was a mess. “I shouldn’t have said anything. You don’t need me.”

“What do you mean?” He crossed the distance she’d created between them and captured both of her hands with his. “Dang straight I need you. I need you to kiss me and hold me and make me smile.” His face lit up as if this were the best news ever.

“You can’t hire me for …” Her face burned red. “I need to have a legitimate job, Seth, like helping your manager, not just your kisser and holder. Though that sounds amazing.” Her entire body was on fire as he gave her the most appealing look she’d ever seen. “Oh my, never mind!”

She tugged her hands free, but he just grinned bigger and wrapped his hands tight around her hips. “I want to hire you. As I mentioned I need a social media manager and a personal assistant for my manager.”

She tilted her head, finding it hard to think with his warm palms on her hips. “Do you really?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I can’t just up and leave Mar after she’s been so good to me and trained me and given me an advance.”

“Oh, yes you can. Mar will be just fine, but I would be lost without you.” He tugged her closer and wrapped his hands around her lower back.

“You’ve been just fine without me,” she insisted, though she couldn’t resist placing her hands on his beautifully formed chest muscles.

“No,” he insisted. “I’ve been miserable and grumpy and shriveling inside. Breeze,” his voice dropped low and beseeching. “I had no clue that you would’ve come with me. I’ll make things right with Mar just please, please say you’ll come with me and stay by my side. I need you. I love you.”

“You … love … me?” She could hardly formulate the words, and there was no way she could comprehend or internalize them. She had friends and neighbors who cared for her, and Ridge loved her in his way, but this incredible man, this national icon, Seth Jewel, loving a destitute girl from the backroads of Idaho? Insanity.

Seth’s blue gaze was very intent on her. “You are the most down-to-earth, kind, genuine, and beautiful woman I’ve ever met, Breeze. Please say you’ll come travel with me, work with me, get to know me. I won’t push you to love me until you’re ready, but I can’t stand to not have you close.”

Breeze studied him and tugged him close and kissed him. “Yes,” she breathed against his mouth. “Yes, I want to travel with you, work with you, get to know you, and, hopefully, someday love you.” She already did but she felt like teasing him a little bit right now.

Seth grinned against her mouth. “Hopefully that day isn’t too far away.”

“You never know.”

He chuckled and then covered her mouth with his own. The kiss promised that he was hers and they’d have many beautiful days to come. She’d tell him how much she loved him. Later. She kissed him fiercely. Much later.

Tags: Cami Checketts Jewel Family Billionaire Romance