Page 87 of Redemption in Love

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“Argh! Gavin, you’re driving me crazy! Now I’m stressed, and the doctor said it wasn’t good for me.”

Brooke cleared her throat. “How about if I move in with you until you have the baby? That way you’ll have me hovering over you instead of a stranger.”

“That’s a great idea,” Gavin said. “But we’re still getting a medical professional who will be there just in case.” He raised a hand to forestall Amandine’s protest. “One who can stay in some other part of the house.” He thought for a moment. “With a call-button.”

Amandine sighed. “I don’t want this to turn into a twenty-four seven job for you,” she said to Brooke.

“Don’t worry. I’m happy to help out.”

“I can take over when I get home at night,” he said, glancing at his watch. “Okay, I need to go. Brooke, can you drive her home? Bring what you need from your place if you have time. If not, get Josephine to take care of it.” He leaned down and kissed Amandine. “I’ll see you tonight. Do what Brooke tells you.” He left.

“Did he just say…Josephine?” Brooke said, her eyes wide and semi-glazed.


“He’s insane. Josephine thinks anything that costs less than a month’s rent isn’t fit to be within a two-mile radius of her clients.” Brooke shook her head. “Anyway, let’s get you out of here and settled at home. Then I’ll grab my things before dinner. Are you going to be okay?”

“Yes, mother. I’m sure I can manage not to collapse for a few hours.”

Chapter Twenty

MODIFIED BED REST WASN’T AS DREADFUL as Amandine had expected. Having Brooke take one of the guest bedrooms helped, since she was great at keeping Amandine occupied with TV shows, movies, gossip and so on. When they ran out of things to watch after a couple of weeks, she brought in a laptop so they could shop online. Though Josephine usually did the honors, Amandine was bored, and it was fun to buy baby things from various Internet sites.

“Another blue onesy? What are you going to do if it’s a girl?” Brooke asked.

Flowers and bees dotted the garment in a random pattern. All purpose uni-sex.

“There’s no rule that says a girl can’t wear blue. It’s the men who can’t wear pink.”

Brooke chortled. “True. We girls have the advantage.”

Gavin was extremely busy at work. In addition to his regular tasks, he had to help his brother Ethan set things right at The Lloyds Development. It couldn’t be easy. His forte was selling companies that didn’t perform, not saving them. But he couldn’t very well get rid of his own family’s business.

However, he always made the effort to get home before her bedtime to say hello and see how she was doing. And every night she found herself waiting for the sound of the Bentley pulling up to the mansion.

One night during the second week, he came home before eight.

“Wow, he’s early,” Brooke said, looking outside. “I’m going to make myself scarce. See you tomorrow.”

“See you,” Amandine said, then went to the foyer.

She thought he looked a bit tired as he walked in the door. There were hints of wear lines around his mouth and eyes. When he noticed her they vanished, and a bright smile lit his face.

Her heart squeezed. “Have you eaten?”

“Not yet.”

“I wish you’d called. I would’ve waited,” she said.

“No, no. You should eat at your regular time.”

“I sent Luna home early, but I can heat some leftovers if you want.”

“Don’t trouble yourself. I’m not completely helpless in the kitchen.”

He went and made himself a roast-beef and cheese sandwich and poured a glass of Cabernet. He ate at the counter, while Amandine sat with him and nursed a decaf green tea.

“How are you feeling?” Gavin asked.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance