Page 65 of Redemption in Love

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“What is it?”

“A surprise.”

Her limbs loosened. He wasn’t angry with her anymore. Afraid to ruin the moment again, she shut her eyes and let him guide her inside the room.

“Now.” His hands wrapped around her arms. His breath tickled the back of her neck. “You can look.”

Amandine blinked. A big easel dominated the center of the room. A stool squatted in front of it, and four armchairs made a semi-circle around the easel. “Oh my.”

“If it’s no good, I’ll have it redone,” he said.

“No. This is great.” She turned and put her arms around him, holding him close. “Thank you.”

He hugged her back. “You’re welcome. So you like it?”

“I love it.” She looked around, examining the art supplies. “You have all my favorite brands here. How did you know what to get?”

“A little bird told me.”

“A little bird named Brooke?”

“Possibly,” he said, smiling.

“I see.” Amandine rolled a stick of charcoal in her hand, smudging her fingertips. She couldn’t believe his thoughtfulness. If his aim was to seduce her into spending time with him, buying her art supplies was definitely not a smart tactic. She could spend hours and hours in her studio alone, and he knew that. Was this a way to try to give her some space within the marriage?

Then she recalled how encouraging he’d been about her going to college. She’d panicked at the time, but thinking back on it he hadn’t said a single discouraging word. In fact, he’d even volunteered to relocate so she could study.

Buy a penthouse in Palo Alto…work out of there…

He hadn’t hesitated, even though buying the kind of home he was accustomed to would cost a fortune…and then offered to pay her tuition regardless of whether they stayed together or not.

Had she been wrong to think he’d spent the entire time they were married throwing money at her? Relocating was a big deal. He had no reason to want to finance her college degree if they divorced. Granted it would be pocket change to him, but so what?

Her knees wobbly, she walked over and sat in front of the easel. Maybe she’d been too harsh. Though Catherine was the one he’d wanted at first, he genuinely seemed to be invested in their marriage now, especially with the baby on the way. He was devoted to his family, and he’d never abandon his baby or its mother. It just wasn’t in his nature.

Victoria’s advice had been spot-on. Amandine loved Gavin, and she had to learn to be the kind of wife she wanted to be. It’d be unfair to expect him to distance himself from his friends and family just because she felt unsophisticated and unaccomplished around them. Going to college would be the first step, albeit a small one. She could learn to be comfortable in the fancy clothes she was expected to wear. She could learn about the wine vintages and classical music and jazz his friends liked so much. She could be more engaged and talkative around his family, rather than withdrawing, hoping nobody would notice what kind of a fraud she was.

Time to start being proactive.

She stood up and did a slow three-sixty of the room. “Gavin, thank you. This is great!” She went to him and kissed him deeply, with gratitude, affection, love and want. He responded, his tongue entwining with hers in searing desire. His big, hot palms skimmed over her sides and lowered until they cupped her butt and squeezed. She moaned, loving his blatant need for her.

Suddenly, he pulled away. “Before we get more carried away, I have something else I want to show you.”

“Is it going to self-destruct in the next thirty minutes?”


“Then it can wait.”

She pushed him backward until he sat in one of the plushy armchairs and kissed him while settling herself in his lap. Another kiss. Everything about him fitted her perfectly, like he was a man tailor-made just for her. She loved it that for at least this moment, he was wholly focused on her and that nothing could divert his attention.


His lips traveled along her jaw line, tracing the soft clean lines there. She spread her hands over his chest. Through the silken shirt, she could feel his heart thump against her palm.

Slowly, he pushed away the shoulder straps that held her dress up. His fingers ran along her body, dragging the fabric lower. He undid the clasp of her satin red bra, pushing it out of the way and cupping her breasts. “God, they’re stunning. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to their beauty.”

She blushed, his words turning her on more. Wet heat intensified in her sex, and she squirmed, wishing he were already inside her.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance