Page 6 of Redemption in Love

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A pair of cute black and blue shoes with slim ankle straps and sparkly heart accents would go well with the dress. Brooke pulled out a lovely pink cashmere shawl. “This should complete the look.”

A little over half an hour of makeup and hair later, Brooke declared Amandine ready. Amandine wanted to linger and make sure she looked perfect, but Brooke won the battle and dragged her out of the bedroom and into the waiting car.

* * *

Everything at the small airport was a shade of gray. Thank god for the gorgeous California sky, flawlessly azure from horizon to horizon.

Probably a good omen for the anniversary.

“So, where’s Gavin?” Amandine put a hand over her forehead and squinted.

Brooke pointed. “Over there.”

Gavin stood, dark and glorious near the hangar that housed his jet. The wind ruffled his almost black hair and a perfectly tailored charcoal three-piece suit. Though a pair of sleek sunglasses hid his eyes, Amandine could sense his gaze on her.

Three years of marriage should have made her more blasé about how she felt about her husband. After all, familiarity was supposed to breed contempt…or at least some immunity to his charisma…but it was exactly like the first time they’d met. Five years before, Gavin had taken her breath away by just entering a room at her cousin Catherine’s party. Amandine had thought she’d never get him—he’d had his sights set on the more glamorous and sophisticated Catherine—but somehow she’d ended up with the man she wanted.

Wasn’t she lucky?

Then why do I feel like I got the shell, not the substance of the man?

She shook herself mentally. It was time she got over her little dissatisfactions and thought of all the blessings in her life. Countless women would have killed to trade places with her.

Gavin started toward them, and they met halfway across the blazing tarmac. He put his arms around her, their presence strong and comforting.

“Happy anniversary.” Gavin kissed her, and warm pleasure suffused her entire body. “You look stunning.”

“So do you.” Amandine put a hand to her bun. The wind was pretty strong out here, and it started to unravel her hair.

“Let it down,” he murmured, pulling a few pins out so that her hair tumbled over her shoulders. “Looks better this way.”

“Okay.” This close he smelled like warm cinnamon and wood, and she resisted the urge to kiss the exposed skin on his neck. He was always circumspect about public displays.

He smiled and tugged her hand. “Come on. I got you something.”

She let him lead her inside the hangar, all the while wondering what it could be. A luxury trip? Or some kind of plan to share his jet? Gavin had a habit of giving her the most outrageous things. They usually shocked her, then made her feel flustered and unsure. Saying “Thank you” seemed woefully inadequate.

The hangar door was already unlocked and open, and they moved forward, Brooke following behind. Inside was a jet Amandine had never seen before: a sleek cream-colored beauty.

“Like it?” Gavin asked.

“It’s pretty. Are you upgrading?”

“Nope. It’s yours.”


Gavin smiled. “I thought it was about time you had your own.”

To do what? “I don’t really travel that much.”

His gaze wavered for a moment, then steadied. “Of course you don’t. I wouldn’t either if I had to fly commercial. But you know, I felt really bad when I had to leave you alone in the Maldives after your diving incident, and even worse when you had to fly home on a regular airline.”

The accident had been her fault. She hadn’t been paying close enough attention, and she’d come up too fast, blacking out during the process. The doctor on the island had instructed her not to fly for a few days since the change in air pressure would be bad for her, even in a pressurized cabin. Though not understanding all the technicalities, she’d decided to follow the doctor’s advice and insisted Gavin go home without her. His appointments and meetings would’ve been impossible to reschedule.

“Flying first class wasn’t that bad,” she said.

“Uh-huh. Not even when airport security patted you down for your own good?” He snorted. “I don’t think so. Besides, I don’t like the idea of some guy pawing you like that.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance