Page 3 of Redemption in Love

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Brooke glanced heavenward. “Oh my god, you have no idea.”

Brooke and Sandy’s father had raised his two daughters alone after his wife’s death, working himself to the bone to provide for them. Amandine had spent some time with him when all of them were younger. Though he was one of the nicest people she knew, in some ways he was also one of the most conservative. He wanted his family to be together and happy, and for his elder daughter to divorce would have been a huge blow. Amandine had a feeling that Eugene’s parents were similar.

“Anyway, the pregnancy changed everything. All of a sudden all the little stuff just didn’t seem that important in comparison to this new life and they, you know, kind of re-set their relationship for the sake of the child. And it worked out.” Brooke’s lips twisted in a wry smile. “I imagine they took their counseling and stuff more seriously too, once there was more at stake. So Gavin might do the same, feeling all responsible and fatherly. Which of course means he’ll be home more.”

“Or he’ll just hire an army of nannies.”

“He’ll probably do that too, but his family’s really big on children. All those family gatherings? I can’t imagine Gavin being any different. You see how he treats his nephew, making time for him no matter what.”

“That’s true.” Gavin adored his nephew and spoiled the boy rotten whenever he got the chance. Why would he love his own child any less?

“Who knows? Maybe he’ll indulge the kid so much you’ll end up wanting to kill him for undermining your authority.” They both laughed as Brooke brought the coupe to a stop in front of the heavy wrought-iron gates that marked the entrance to Gavin and Amandine’s estate. She entered the security code into a number pad and placed her thumb against the fingerprint scanner. The gates slid open as the security system accepted her access credentials, and the Mercedes started the long winding drive to the main door of the mansion.

Amandine thought, Wouldn’t that be great? She’d rather have Gavin be a doting, overindulgent father than a neglectful one. That way their child would know it was loved unconditionally. She wouldn’t mind playing bad cop and taking responsibility for disciplining the kid.

“Smile and have happy thoughts.” Brooke stopped the car in front of the pale cream marble steps that led up to the main doors. White ionic columns topped by Corinthian capitals stood sentry on either side. “I sent Luna a text, so I’m sure she’s got something nutritious already made. I’ll put the car in the garage and meet you in the dining room. Don’t forget; you’ve got a meeting with the Art4Kids Foundation board at 2:30.”

* * *

Around midnight a black Bentley pulled to a stop in front of the mansion and Gavin emerged from the rear. “Thanks, Thomas.”

“My pleasure, sir. Good night.”

Gavin watched as the car traveled along the long looping driveway and disappeared around the curve that led to the garage in the back. Thomas worked a hectic schedule to accommod

ate Gavin’s even crazier one. But in the eight years he’d been on the staff he’d never once complained about the hours. Fortunately for everyone, Thomas had an understanding wife who appreciated the generous pay and benefits that allowed her to be a stay-at-home mom.

Gavin remembered that the youngest of their three children was autistic. Thomas should get a big Christmas bonus and raise for the next fiscal year. He’d earned it, and his family would put it to good use.

Only one lamp was lit by the door. There used to be more lights in the evening, but Amandine had thought it wasteful.

“Darling, we can afford it,” Gavin had told her.

“Still… Let’s not be frivolous with electricity.”

So one light it was. He didn’t mind. Whatever made her happy was fine by him.

He unlocked the door. Their housekeeper, Luna, didn’t come out to greet him. She never stayed past dinner-time unless he or Amandine specifically requested it. He walked up the winding steps to the master bedroom suite on the second level, his dress shoes clattering on the cool marble floor.

The master bedroom suite was what had sold Gavin on the mansion five years earlier. The room was big, with three ceiling fans and windows that looked out to the green and lush garden surrounding the house. He’d had the walk-in closet and bathroom redone before moving in. After the marriage, he’d told Amandine to redecorate if she wanted, but she’d declined, saying everything was already perfect.

A night-light provided just enough illumination for him to see inside the bedroom. Amandine was curled up in bed, her breathing deep and even. She looked so small and vulnerable in sleep. Carrying his shoes, he walked across the freshly waxed hardwood floor carefully, trying not to wake her up. He slipped inside the big walk-in closet, shed his clothes and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

As the pungent taste of mint coated his tongue, he suddenly realized he’d never gotten a chance to call Amandine back. He’d wanted to know why she’d called even though she’d said it wasn’t urgent. Damn it. He rinsed his mouth. Too late to talk now. He should’ve stopped the meeting for a few minutes and spoken with her. As his wife, she deserved it.

He wouldn’t have time to linger around in the morning. His first appointment was at seven thirty sharp, and she seemed to be sleeping in these days.

He crawled into bed, and she moved over and curled against him. She was all softness and fresh apple, and his cock swelled. It’d been close to two months since they’d had sex. Damn it, he wished it weren’t so late so he could seduce his wife. And he wished he didn’t have to work so much, so he could spend more time with Amandine, but he needed to watch over everything at work to ensure nothing unexpected happened. Then there were the charities and foundations he supported. Thankfully Amandine had taken over many of them, but that still didn’t free him from the hours he needed to devote to them.

Her left hand rested on his bare chest. The sapphire and diamonds on her finger gave a muted sparkle in the night light. They looked good on her—perfect actually. The ring had belonged to his grandmother, who had been the greatest love of his grandfather, and it seemed apt that Amandine wore it now. Did she have any idea how much he wanted to spoil and coddle her?

A small frown appeared on her brow, and he kissed it, willing it away. Her happiness was paramount to him, yet no matter what he did, he couldn’t help but sense a vague undercurrent of dissatisfaction from her. However, every time he gently probed, she smiled the maddeningly serene smile of hers and said nothing was wrong…while her eyes grew remote and guarded.

One more hectic day for him, then they’d have their anniversary to enjoy. His schedule was insane right now, crammed with so much work. Still, it was worth it to spend the afternoon and evening of their anniversary together, even though it was a work-day and he rarely took time off. As much as he needed to be in the office, he couldn’t dismiss a sense of unease that his wife was slipping away from him.

If you remembered to do things like call her back, she might not be slipping away. You need to figure out how to make up for not returning that call.

How should he make amends? He scowled as he mentally flipped through his calendar—no free slots for a while. Going to a concert or to an art gallery opening was out.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance