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She takes her time before answering. “I thin

k you’re lucky it didn’t get lost in the mail, because that would’ve been really awkward.”

“How?” I ask, slightly annoyed she’s latching on to the most pointless aspect. “I wouldn’t have known he sent it, so there wouldn’t have been any problem.”

“Yeah, until he asked you about it.”

Huh? “Kim, I don’t know this guy. We’ve never met.”

She gives me a perplexed look. “Sure you do. I mean, okay, maybe not in person, but you know who he is.”

“I really don’t.”

“Evie, come on. He’s Barron Sterling’s personal assistant.”

Thank God I don’t have anything in my mouth. Even so, I gasp, feeling like I’m choking. Finally I recover. “Are you kidding?”

“Not even a little. How can you not know who he is, especially if you’re working for Sterling & Wilson?”

“But why does Barron need an assistant?” I demand, utterly scandalized. “He’s retired!”

I put it together. The only way Miles could have ended up with my thong is if it somehow got stuck to Barron’s butt in Vegas. Talk about embarrassing! And I was wondering if he wrapped my thong around his junk when he was…doing the thing. My mind starts painting images I can’t un-see. I think I’m going to throw up.

“Because he doesn’t like to do things himself when he can simply delegate.”

Makes sense. Barron’s too rich to do anything himself. But that doesn’t mean all is fine. “Why didn’t anybody tell me who Miles was?”

“Did you ask?” Kim says, arching an eyebrow.

“Of course not. I’d never heard of the man until today.”

“Well, there you go.”

I give up. Her logic is circular. “All right. Well, anyway, now that you know all about my married life and undergarments, tell me about what’s going on with you. I remember you saying you were setting up some special getaway for your boss. Did he finally accept your proposal?”

The moment I ask, I know I’ve made a mistake. Her face goes glacial, eyes flashing evil intent. What did Salazar do? Make her redo the proposal yet again?

She attacks a hapless little leaf on her plate viciously. “I did, and he loved it. So he decided to give me a month off.”

“Paid, right?”


“Well, that’s great, isn’t it?”

“No, it’s not. I’d rather swim with sharks in a vat of acid.”

“Why not? You’re getting paid to binge-watch Netflix for a month!” It’s one of her favorite activities.

She stabs the fork in the air like a knife. Salazar’s lucky he’s not here because she might just skewer him. “Because he lent me to someone. And now I have to put up with the Greatest Asshole in the World!”

“Who?” I ask, shocked at how furious she is.

She grinds her teeth. “Wyatt Westland!”

I flip through my mental contact list. Wyatt Westland doesn’t ring a bell, even though she’s saying the name like I should know it. Maybe she mentioned him before, but I just don’t remember.

Since I can’t wing my way through this, I ask, “What did he do?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance