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“Of course.” That’s what people say about dating too. And it almost always turns out badly.

Chapter Thirty


Justin’s home is beautiful. Technically, it’s a mansion with multiple wings, and it’s bigger than Nate’s place. Unlike my boss/husband, Justin has a real wife and a kid. The place features a gigantic garden, a water fountain and a lake, the last completely fenced off to ensure his kid doesn’t wander into it. The only thing it doesn’t have is the Malibu view.

Justin comes out in a casual green polo shirt and slacks, relaxed and looking nothing like he does in the office, where he’s usually all stern and serious. He welcomes both of us into his home, all graciousness and personable charm.

A stunning redhead in a stylish blouse and cropped white pants waves at us from the kitchen. “Hi. The guests of honor are finally here!” she says.

“Are we fashionably late?” Nate asks.

“Yes. But we forgive you. More beer for us.” She places an affectionate kiss on Nate’s cheek, then turns to me. “Hi, I’m Vanessa, Justin’s wife. I’ve heard so much about you, Evie.”

From most people, it would be a purely social remark. From Vanessa, it sounds vaguely ominous. I paste on a smile. “Same here.”

We shake hands. Her grip is strong, but cordial.

“Do you have any aspirin?” Nate asks. “Evie isn’t feeling well.”

“Oh no,” she says with a sympathetic look. “Sure, we have some. Come with me.”

Crap. I do not want to go with her. I want to stay with Nate, but I can’t suddenly declare myself cured.

Next time, come up with a better lie. “Thank you.” I force another smile and follow her up a huge, winding staircase. I spot one guest, but only see her back. I have no clue who she is. Or how many people have shown up.

Vanessa takes me to the large bathroom in the hall. She pulls out a bottle of aspirin from the medicine cabinet. “Here you go. Take as many as you need, with some bottled water if you like.” She gestures at bottles lined up along the bottom of the mirror. “Sorry to leave you alone, but I need to get back down there and make sure Barron and Justin don’t kill each other at the grill.”


“We’re barbecuing. Barron’s idea.” She sighs. “I think he just wants to try out Justin’s new custom grill. It’s pretty fancy.” She grins, then vanishes.

I wait a few beats, then put the bottle back into the cabinet. Barron Sterling is here. People are really here to welcome me into the Sterling family. My stomach twists, and I can feel acid sloshing around. I probably should’ve had more than a piece of toast today.

I glance over to my right, where the sparkling-clean toilet sits. And I have two pregnancy test kits in my purse. Why wait? Once I know for sure, I’ll feel so much better.

I lock the door, pull out both boxes and set them on the counter. Drink more of the water. Then open the boxes and pull a stick out from each.

The instructions are basically the same for both. Pee on the stick, then wait.

Okay, fine. I pee, then set the sticks carefully on the edge of the sink. That should do it. I wash my hands and wait. And wait some more. How long does this take? Shouldn’t the results be instant?

Maybe they aren’t showing anything because I’m not pregnant. I pick up one of the water bottles and read the marketing BS printed on the label. Something about carbon and aquifers. What the hell is an aquifer, anyway?

Don’t look at the sticks, don’t look at the sticks…

I look at the sticks. One shows a double line, the other shows a cross.


Oh. My. God. Pregnant. This is…this is… What am I going to tell Nate? Biting my lip, I pace. Maybe I should take the test again. It’s not completely out of the question that I could get two false positive—

The handle on the door suddenly rattles loudly, starling me enough that I drop the sticks into the sink.

“Hey!” comes a small voice from the other side of the door.

Shit! Who’s that?

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance