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“What the fuck? You don’t suspect Evie, do you?” I ask, slightly stunned.

“I trust no one. And you have a history of dating crazy, hot chicks.”

I shrug, since I can’t argue. Even if I wanted to, he has Georgette to fling in my face, and I couldn’t block that with Captain America’s shield.

“You’re so careless at times,” Justin continues. “Try to remember how much you’re worth.”

“I’m more than my balance sheet,” I say, even though I know it’s something that’ll always follow me around.

Justin’s expression softens a bit. “I know, but does the world know? They don’t look at us and see people. They look and see money. Or greedy fuckers who have too much. Entitled assholes who don’t deserve any of what we have.”

What he’s saying isn’t wrong. But that doesn’t mean I’m okay with it. He doesn’t know Evie, so how can he brush her with a broad stroke like she’s the same as everyone else in the world? “Evie isn’t like that.”

“Who stands to benefit?”

“Still. Evie isn’t like that.”

He gives me a long look. “I just want you to be careful.”

“I am. And Court is looking into the whole thing for me.”

“Court?” He looks vaguely annoyed. Probably his ego is bruised I didn’t ask him.

“Yeah. Because if you’re right, and it is a setup, whoever did it will be expecting me or you to come after them.”

Justin thinks for a moment and then nods. “Okay. That makes sense. And I know he’s actually pretty competent, even if he did steal the wrong girl at that wedding.” He shakes his head. “But listen. You tell him to call me if he needs anything. I’ll provide whatever’s necessary to get to the bottom of this.”

I nod, mildly mollified.

“And we have that party next Saturday at four thirty to welcome Evie into the family.”

“Yeah, I know. Miles texted everyone. But why so early?”

“Kids. They can’t stay up too late. It’s going to be small—or I’m going to try to keep it that way to avoid overwhelming Evie. But Barron might invite some extra people. Make sure to show up on time. You know how Barron is.”

All this talk about the family makes me realize that our mother has been awfully quiet… I didn’t realize how quiet until just now. “Hey…is Mom okay?” She lives alone. She doesn’t have anybody around to check on her, make sure she’s taken care of, the way Dad used to.

“Of course.” Justin’s eyebrows pull together. “Why wouldn’t she be?”

“She didn’t call or text me. Not even once.” And that isn’t like her. I pull out my personal phone and check. Not even an email.

“Oh, that.” He smiles. “She’s on her way to Los Angeles. She wants to see you and Evie in person and hear all about your secret romance. Act surprised, though, because she wants to surprise you.”

“She’s already on the plane?”

He nods. “Should be.” He checks his phone. “It took off an hour ago.”

Oh, lord. Evie and I need to sit down and get our stories one hundred percent straight, because my mother is overprotective of me and is going to probe and wonder and question. No detail is too small for Blanche Sterling to overlook. “And where is she staying?”

“With us. She doesn’t want to bother the newlyweds.”

An idea strikes—a solution to one of my immediate problems. Trying not to grin, I say, “Tell her I’d love to host her at my place. Actually, I insist.”

“Are you sure?” Justin asks, raising both eyebrows.

“Yeah, there’s plenty of room. And no reason to have Ryan running her ragged. Especially if she’s coming out to hear about me and Evie.”

He shrugs. “Okay, if you’re cool with it. Just so you know, though, she is expecting to have dinner at your place tonight.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance