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Maybe I should’ve insisted she do her wifely duty… Okay, maybe not. But at least come move in with me.

But from the way she ran, that would have made her quit on the spot.

The intercom buzzes, and a security alert pops up on my phone.

My heart beats a little faster, hope stirring. Maybe it’s Evie coming back to say she was wrong to abandon me the way she did. Maybe she’ll offer to have sex with me to make up for it. After all, there’s nothing stopping us from indulging in our more carnal inclinations. We’re married!

But no. My phone shows Court’s familiar mug. What the hell is he doing here?

“Dude! Open up! I know you’re in there!”

I consider pretending I’m not home, but change my mind. He’s a persistent SOB, and when he sets his mind to do something, he does it. That’s why he kidnapped his girlfriend’s sister from her own wedding—he’s just that focused on getting what he wants. The fact that he abducted the wrong girl didn’t set him back much.

I hit the “open” button on my phone, then go back to being prone on the couch. Court isn’t worth getting off my ass for.

Ten seconds later he’s inside the house, and one second after that he’s shouting, “Hey! You’re really married?”

He’s in a purple T-shirt that says, “I gave my heart to Skittles,” and blue denim shorts. For a second I wonder why the hell he’s professing undying love for a candy, until I remember that’s the nickname he gave his girlfriend.

“What happened to your Southern gentleman manners?”

“Screw manners. Dude! Married? What the hell? I couldn’t believe it when Yuna told me.”

Of course she knows, I think with an inward sigh. The woman knows everything. “She’s back in town?” I ask, trying to steer the topic away from my impossible-to-recall wedding.

“Will be tomorrow, because her mom’s sending her back. Apparently Mrs. Min thinks Yuna needs to be around Ivy more so she starts to realize what she’s missing in life.”

Yuna’s mother’s life goal is to have Yuna married. And then pregnant. In that order, no variation allowed. Of course, it isn’t easy to find a groom, because he has to be as wealthy as Yuna’s family, which owns a giant conglomerate in Korea. Although Yuna has never specifically said as much, I’m fairly sure the groom also has to be tall, handsome and Korean. Gotta keep the family line pure.

“Tell her I can maybe hook her up,” I say.

“How? Are you going to tell her to elope with the first billionaire bachelor she meets?” Court goes

to the kitchen and helps himself to my wine. The bastard never brings me anything.

“You’re welcome,” I say pointedly, staring at the wine in his hand.

“Hey, you owe me for hiding shit from me all this time. I just got engaged to Skittles—”

“Whoa, seriously? Congratulations,” I say, genuinely pleased for him, because he’s crazy about the girl, and I think she makes him happy.

“—and here you are, already married! You never even hinted you had feelings for your assistant. You just said she was good at her job.”

What the hell did he expect me to do? Recite a sonnet? “Because she is good at her job.” Although there is a major downside: she always has to act so damn fucking professional around me, no matter what I try. It’s almost embarrassing, really. “And unlike you, I don’t go crazy with my affections. I’m a civilized person. So is she.”

“Civilized, my ass.” Court snorts, then parks that same ass in one of the chairs. “If you’re so civilized…” He trails off as his gaze lands on the statue. “What the hell is that?” he says slowly.

“A gift from Barron.”

“He sent you an X-rated statue for your wedding?” He runs a hand across his mouth. “Shit. That’s like…” Squinting, he leans closer. “Can a woman really bend that way?”

“I don’t know. All I see is missionary from over here.”

“What?” He glances over at me, then understanding dawns. He gets up and walks around the statue, eyeing it from various angles. “Your great-uncle sent you a sex manual. What does he know about you that I don’t?”

Gross. “Nothing. I’m quite experienced in bed, thank you. No woman’s ever complained.”

“How could they, when they were too busy fantasizing about becoming your wife?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance