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He gets up and leaves the room, grinning as he goes. Men.

“But by the time you got here, it would be too late,” Mom is saying.

“She has Tony with her. And he isn’t like Eugene.”

When little Minho was born, my brother showed up just long enough to look at the baby, then returned to work because he had a meeting. He left Mr. Kwon behind to take care of any “issues,” but it wasn’t the same. Mr. Kwon isn’t even one of Eugene’s top three assistants.

“Mmm. Well, you shouldn’t be so hard on your brother.” Mom’s tone is oddly subdued.

What’s going on? She’s usually much more vigorous and upbeat in her defense of him. But right now, something’s off. She sounds almost…mournful. But what does she have to be mournful about? Eugene’s fine. Too fine for an unfeeling lizard person, if you ask me.

“Did something happen?” I ask. I pick up my dress from under a chair. Where are my panties? But beggars can’t be choosers. Gotta douse the urgent fires first. I start worming my way into the dress.

Declan comes back with a mug of coffee. I give him a hug because he des

erves it for being the best guy ever and bringing me much-needed caffeine.

“Of course not,” Mom replies.

I sip my coffee. Declan zips my dress up and places a soft kiss on the back of my neck. I shoot him a warm smile.

She continues, “The group’s as strong as usual. I just wish you would give him a break.”

“I always give him a break.” Which is why I haven’t napalmed him. Or hired ninjas to stick ninja stars up his ass. “Anyway, Mom, where are you?” I ask because I need to know where she is before I can decide what to do next. “At Ivy and Tony’s place?” And where are my panties?

“Certainly not.” Mom sounds like I just asked her if she uses low-end cosmetics. “You know I prefer more privacy, and why would I impose on new parents like that?”

That’s true. And she finds staying at people’s homes inconvenient. “So where are you staying?”

“At the Aylster Hotel. Ms. Lim managed to rent out an entire floor, including four suites. If you’re staying with Ivy, you should move out. A married couple wants more private time with each other, especially when they have a new baby.”

“Okay,” I say. “But—”

“But nothing. Come to the hotel. I’m dying to see you again.”

“I’m dying to see you, too.”

It’s true. I miss my mom, although part of me is worried about what she’s going to say. Not just about my current situation with the job and no money and stuff. I expect her to know what’s been going on with me. After all, she and Dad are the ones behind Eugene’s draconian measures.

But she doesn’t know about Declan. Or that I have no intention of going back to Korea for the wedding Ms. Hong has arranged, at a venue I haven’t even seen, to marry one of the dossiers.

As a matter of fact, if my choice is between the ridiculous wedding or staying in L.A. and working as an assistant, I’ll opt for staying in L.A.

But it isn’t the kind of conversation I can have on the phone with Declan around.

“How about we get together in an hour or two?” I say, since I need to get over to Ivy’s home and get ready.

“That works out perfectly,” Mom says. “I’ll send a car to Ivy’s place. The traffic here is awful, but it shouldn’t take more than an hour or so.”

Declan catches my eye and slowly draws my lost panties out of his pocket. I hold out my hand for them, but he shakes his head and pulls them back out of reach. Then gives me a wicked, mischievous smile that could illuminate a galaxy.

“Make it two hours,” I say to my mother, then hang up.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


“Wow. This is where you live?” Declan whistles as he pulls up in front of Ivy and Tony’s home.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance