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“You’re the boss. I’m supposed to open doors for you.”

Well, this is new. Benedict never did that. Maybe I should tell him when he’s back. “Consider me an enlightened boss.” I smile at her. “I’ll always open the door for you.”

“Well…okay. Thanks.”

She steps out, looking fresh. A hand over her eyes, she gazes up at the sky. There’s a small smile on her lips.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing. The day’s just beautiful.” She sighs softly. As she does so, her gorgeous breasts rise and fall, the ruby pendant sliding a little along her cleavage. Lucky accessory. “In fact, it’s perfect. I love the climate here.”

“Yeah, L.A.’s great.” I continue to look at her. It’s remarkable that she finds joy in such little things when it’s obvious she’s used to money. I can’t think of a moment when one of my exes showed any appreciation for anything that didn’t have a hefty price tag. My heartbeat grows erratic as something warm unfurls in my chest. It almost feels like heartburn, except it isn’t unpleasant.

We start walking back to the parking garage, but a loud shout comes from behind us.

“Oh, you bastard!”

I stiffen and turn, recognizing the voice. Ah jeez…!

Jessica is glaring at me, her face the approximate color of Yuna’s lipstick. She starts gesturing wildly with her arms, her golden hair flying around like Medusa’s snakes. Her green eyes narrow as she spots Yuna. “Is this the reason Benedict’s been ignoring me? You want this…this thing?”

People are staring, so I stand taller and straighter to show I have nothing to be ashamed of. I wish I’d put a restraining order on her. Except Aiden would probably say that an ex making a spectacle of herself to get me back isn’t really a crime. Much less a threat. Right now, all she’s doing is hyperventilating and glaring at Yuna.

Yuna runs her gaze over Jessica once, then shrugs and looks away like she’s beneath notice. My new assistant’s composure is impressive, but also just funny. It’s as though Yuna knows exactly what buttons to push.

And sure enough, Jessica turns redder. She’s a former beauty pageant princess and isn’t used to people ignoring her. Now she looks like the salsa we had for lunch.

“I’m talking to you, bitch! You think you can just show up and steal my man?” She glares at Yuna’s dress and bag. “Gold digger! You can’t afford that stuff on your own!”

This has gone far enough. I step forward to stop her ranting, but Yuna puts a hand on my elbow.

She looks down at herself, then at Jessica with a small smile. “This? This stuff?”

“Declan bought it for you, didn’t he? I’m sure he showers you with gifts.”

“Actually, I bought them myself,” Yuna says. “I don’t need a man to buy things for me.”

“Liar! You don’t even look that rich!” Jessica sneers.

Okay, enough of this bullshit. “If you don’t move out of the way, I’m calling the police.”

She looks at me like I just slapped her. “For what? I didn’t do anything!”

“You’re harassing me and my employee.”

“Your employee?” She blinks, then gestures at Yuna. “She’s an employee?”

Yuna’s smile turns brilliant. “His brand-new assistant. I started today.”

Confusion clouds Jessica’s gaze as she addresses me. “But you don’t do female assistants.”

“I’m kind of exceptional.” Yuna winks.

A vein starts to appear on Jessica’s forehead.

“If you don’t relax, you’re going to go all varicose,” I say, pointing at the thin blue cord that’s now throbbing like a trapped worm under her skin.

“You can’t get them on your face!” she says.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance