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Huh? That’s it? Not even a single word about what happened?

I wait for more texts, but…

My phone stays silent.

I drop my head back on the pillow with mixed emotions. Maybe he’s decided to call it even. I mean, he was masturbating in the office. Besides, Emmett’s been in finance for a long time. The man knows how to keep his mouth shut when necessary, and what happened between us last night isn’t something you can talk abou

t at dinner. Especially since it all started with his getting caught doing something inappropriate. There’s a reason no scandal involving Emmett Lasker exists. The man is discreet.

Also, he doesn’t know that I had a hyper-weird dream fueled by what happened last night. Nor that I’m uncomfortably wet and swollen between my legs after it. Most importantly, he has no clue I’m still feeling this awkward sexual frustration. Or the deep, aching emptiness that some perverted part of me wishes he could ease.

God, this is messed up. I have to see Emmett in less than seven hours.

My optimistic side says that it isn’t that awful that I want to have sex with him again, even if I do feel like an idiot desperate for another bite of the forbidden fruit. After all, unlike men, if women have some clothes on there aren’t any glaringly obvious physical reactions to indicate sexual arousal. So I just have to act calm and collected. As a matter of fact, he’ll never find out I got wet dreaming about him because I’m going to wash that off right now.

Plus—and this is the most important thing—in less than eight weeks I won’t be working for him anymore. All I need to survive seven weeks and six days is a little extra brazenness and shamelessness. If Emmett can arm himself like that when he’s caught in a scandalous situation, so can I.

Today is a new day. And like I decided earlier, everything that happened after eleven fifty-nine p.m. didn’t happen.

Chapter Seven


It’s after ten a.m., so Amy should be up by now. I fire off three texts to her while enjoying my first cup of coffee. I hope she’s realized that she can’t avoid me forever. She reports to me and no one else.

Sleep—if she got any after our awesome bout; she might’ve writhed in her bed all night wanting more—should help her reason logically enough to recognize the inevitability. She looked like she’d take about two seconds to conk out. That’s the only explanation for why she ran like her skirt was on fire instead of cuddling with me. If she’d given me a moment, I would’ve turned the damned phone off so we could enjoy each other in peace. So I could lose myself in that addictive flavor of hers, the mesmerizing scent of her citrus body wash and her skin.

But no… She had to run. And who knew the woman could move so fast? By the time I got to my feet, pulled my pants up and made my way out the office to talk to her, she was already gone. I loitered for a few minutes at the elevator bank until it dawned on me she wasn’t going to show, especially after a car came and went. And her desk was completely clean, confirming my suspicion.

Really annoying. Unfortunate, too. I wanted to take her to a late-night diner near the office that serves an absolutely awesome breakfast around the clock. Then talk about what happened like adults.

I’d also like to propose we continue to enjoy ourselves like adults. Only with a little more preparation. I had to pull out, since I didn’t have a condom. Having sex unprepared isn’t something I do, but when she was on me, I lost control. Being inside her felt more important than taking my next breath.

And it was hotter than my dirtiest fantasy. My cock’s already hard with the memory of her clenching around it, hot and slick.

I shouldn’t be too disappointed that we didn’t get to have a talk about the future. I got to keep her thong, which she left behind in her rush. It’s a hot black lacy item, and I’m a little sad I didn’t really get to see her in it.

But there will be other chances. I’ll see her again at four thirty. Earlier than that would be better, but I have a brunch with my brothers. But maybe the timing will work out for the best. I don’t want to appear overeager or let her know I relived our hot encounter all night long…even if my dick has been hard for ten hours now.

The main strategy here is to play things cool and make her want to do it again, not have her think I’m obsessed with her, even though I am. Getting a taste of her last night only intensified my hunger.

Since I’m done texting Amy, I check the Pulse feed. And immediately burst out laughing.

Rick on Romance

Hey hey hey, what’s up, Romancers? I know you guys have been waiting for the updates from my half-anniversary trip to surprise my girl. But due to some unfortunate technical difficulties, I wasn’t able to film our drive to Tahoe.

“Technical difficulties”? Is that what influencers call getting their plans canceled these days?

I’m working on them right now to ensure you get a full view of how the trip goes as much as possible, so you too can surprise and treat your girl. Like always, I’m here to make a difference in your lives and would never leave you hanging.

Working on them. I laugh softly at the ridiculous lie.

What’s he going to do? Charter a helicopter to fly Amy to Lake Tahoe after I’m done discussing the model with her? Ha!

He shouldn’t call himself her boyfriend. Or act like he has any claim on her. He hasn’t earned the right, even if Amy did put him in the boyfriend category.

Besides, from the utterly dazed look on her gorgeous face when she came last night, Rick must be terrible in bed. You don’t have to be old to suffer from ED.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance