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"Kristen," Alina said. "Please don't make me do this."

"What how bad could it be?" Kristen picked it up and laughed. "Wow. Okay, what does your card say?" she asked the guy's friend.

"Dance with me." He smiled.

"Alina will do that one."

"Thank you." Alina looked relieved and immediately took the man's hand. I had never seen her look so happy to be escorted to the dance floor by a stranger.

"So," the first guy said and put his hand down on the table. "Does that mean you'll do my card?"

"Fine. But I'm going to ask the front desk about counterfeit cards after this." She pulled down the straps of her dress, exposing her bra.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled.

"Thanks, babe," the guy said and waved his card in front of Kristen's bracelet. It immediately clanged onto the table.

"It's just a game, hot stuff. Move along." She pulled her straps back on a shooed him away.

"What the heck did his card say?"

"Show me your bra."

"Really? That's so ridiculously inappropriate. We're in the middle of a restaurant!"

Kristen shrugged. "No one saw except you guys. It's not a big deal. But I do have a few questions for Javier. How risqué do you think this game gets?" She put her bracelet into her purse.

I moved my hand so that it was underneath the table. I didn't want anyone se

eing my bracelet and getting any ideas.

"Come on, let's go dance too until our food comes," Kristen said.

"You two go. I'll stay here and wave you down once our food comes."

"That won't be necessary," Layla said. "Because the food is here! Oh my God, I'm so hungry."

Pablo smiled as he set down our entries. "Enjoying the bracelet game ladies?"

"I take it you were watching?" Kristen said with a smile.

"I may have been." He raised his eyebrow.

"I guess I'm lucky it wasn't any worse. I wouldn't have wanted the whole restaurant to see me naked."

"You'd be surprised how often that happens."

I was already cutting into my chicken. "Wait, does that seriously happen?"

"The cards go from very tame to very, very wild." He rolled his "r's" again in that sexy way of his.

"How wild?"

He winked. "I'm sure you'll find out during your stay. Enjoy, ladies."

"Seriously, how wild do the cards get?" I asked Kristen and Layla as he walked away.

"I don't know, but he was totally insinuating sex, wasn't he? It seems like he was," Kristen said as she stared at his ass.

Tags: Ivy Smoak Men of Manhattan Romance