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"Don't you have any questions for me, Keira?" he asked.

"Oh, right. Yes." I turned to the counter in the kitchen and opened up my laptop. I slid onto the bar stool. A moment later he slid into the one right next to me. I gulped.

I laughed awkwardly as I waited for my computer to load. As soon as the screen lit up, I clicked on my roommate questionnaire. "Okay, how old are you?"


Same age as me. I typed out his answer on the document. "What do you do for a living?"

"I'm the executive chef of La Patisserie, right down the street from here. It's only open for lunch. You should come check it out sometime."

Is he asking me out? No. No, he'd be working. He's just being polite.

"Do you prefer to shower in the morning or at night? Oh, I'm sorry

. You don't have to answer that. It's just, I wanted to see if our schedules would conflict."

"At night."

"Okay. That's actually nice, because I shower in the morning, and that way we wouldn't run into each other. But I don't take long showers or anything. I won't be in your way at all." I looked back at my computer screen. "Do you keep odd hours? Like, do you stay up late or wake up late? Anything like that?"

"That depends on what I'm doing. But normally, no."

"That's good. Are you single? I don't mean that in a weird way. It's just that my past three roommates all got married after just living here for several months. I'm looking for something more long term. Someone. Someone more long term. In a roommate kind of way."

"I'm not getting married anytime soon." He shifted slightly in his chair and his knee bumped into my thigh. "So you don't have to worry about that."

I crossed my legs away from him and continued to stare at my questionnaire. "Do you have commitment issues or something?"

"Is that really on your questionnaire?"

I turned my computer away from him. "It's number five, yes," I lied.

"I don't have issue committing to my living situation."

"So why are you leaving your current apartment?"

"I don't get along well with my roommate. And it's far away from work."

"Why don't you get along with him? Or her?"

"He's always trying to shower at night."

"I see."

Rory laughed.

Geez, he was laughing at me. I looked back at my list of questions. "Do you mind sharing clothes? Oh. No. Never mind. I'm sorry, this is kind of embarrassing. I thought you were going to be a girl."

Rory laughed. "I get that a lot."

"Right. Because of Gilmore Girls?"

"Mhm." He looked at me and raised his left eyebrow. "Is that going to be a problem?"

"Um, I don't know. You're the first person I'm interviewing. I definitely won't be discriminating based on sex." Oh my God! "I mean, if you're male or female. I mean, you're male, obviously. Just in general. I won't be breaking any laws."

Rory laughed again. "Well I don't mind sharing my clothes with you, if that helps."

Tags: Ivy Smoak Sweet Cravings Romance