Page 23 of Irresistible Affair

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“I missed you so much, Frankie,” he breathed as he pulled the fabric to the side, his tongue snaking in for a brief lick of my folds.

Closing my eyes as decadent pleasure swamped me, I moaned and reached down to thread my fingers through his hair. “Clive,” I breathed. “I missed you, too.”

“I missed all of this.”

Another slow, sensual lick.

“Your scent.”


“Your taste.”


“Your heat.”


“And this.”

He punctuated his words with a hard thrust of two fingers into my aching pussy, and I gasped with the sudden fullness. His fingers were a little cool—left over from walking outside, I assumed—and I hissed and squirmed as the chill sent me spinning out of control from the jangling sensations. The gradual warming and the slow, maddening thrusts felt amazing, and I couldn’t stop myself from gyrating against his mouth as he continued to lick and thrust.

“It’d be easier without panties,” I finally gasped. He had my legs pinned, and I couldn’t do what I wanted to do—wrap my legs around his head and yank him in.

“Mmm,” he agreed as he kissed my clit. “You’re right.”

I shrieked in surprise as he withdrew his fingers and rolled me to my stomach in one swift, powerful movement, yanking my panties down my legs before he shoved my thighs apart and buried his face in my heat from behind.

“Oh, fuck—Clive!” I fisted my comforter in both hands, burying my face in the bedding as Clive sucked, licked, and kissed every inch of me. His broad shoulders wedged my thighs wide apart and I felt almost obscenely spread out for his hungry gaze and equally greedy mouth.

And I loved it.

So did he, judging by the rumbled groans of pleasure that escaped him every few seconds. I pushed up on my elbows and glanced back between my legs to see him fisting his leaking cock in his free hand as his tongue flickered against me. Muscles flexed and bunched, and the visual was too much for me. I came hard against his lapping tongue. My arms and legs shook, and I was helpless against the sensations that beat down the doors of my brain, overtaking my higher thought processes. I just cried out, pushing back at his madly thrusting fingers and wicked tongue.

“Gorgeous,” Clive muttered with one last swipe against my clit. He withdrew his soaked fingers from my still-fluttering channel and smoothed them over my back hole, still lewdly exposed to him.

“I’m going to fuck you back here someday,” he purred. The tip of his finger breached the tight ring of muscles and I gasped in surprise, even as my pussy kicked sharply. Pleasurably.

He smirked knowingly “Not today. But soon.”

“How soon?” I groaned as his fingers continued their torturous push and slide in my most forbidden place.

He chuckled. “I’ll let you know.” The finger slid out of me, and I felt warm lips press to the small of my back. “Where’s your vibrator, Frankie?”

I smiled against the rumpled bedding and rolled to the other side of the bed, closer to the nightstand that held my modest toy collection. The mattress dipped behind me as Clive climbed up and moved in close, hands smoothing over me as I pawed through the drawer to find it.

“Here we go,” I said as Clive sat up against the headboard.

I pulled out the slim purple vibrator, clean and charged, but before I could flip it on and start using it on myself to tempt Clive, he snagged the device in his big hands, then wrapped an arm around my waist and hauled me into his lap, so that my back was against his chest. His hands slid seductively over my body, palming my breasts and pinching my tight nipples. Between my legs the slow, slippery slide of his cock against my wet folds felt maddening, and I just wanted him inside me. To soothe the aching need that his tongue and fingers relieved for only a few moments.

“I’ve wanted to use this on you since I first saw you play with it,” Clive said, his voice low and husky in my ear. “Turn it on for me.”

My fingers shook as I took it from him and clicked the little dial on the bottom, setting it for the vibration I liked. Clive’s arms wound around me again, plucking the vibrator from my hands as he pressed warm, nuzzling kisses to the back of my neck.

“Put my cock inside you,” he whispered, touching the vibrator to one of my sensitive nipples.

I shuddered, but obeyed, wrapping my slender fingers around his huge shaft and sinking down with a muted hiss that lengthened into a groan as the vibrator slid to my other nipple.

Tags: Kaylee Monroe Romance