Page 21 of Irresistible Nights

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“Of course I will.”

Denton pulled me back into the bedroom and pushed me back down onto the bed so I was sitting on the edge of the mattress, legs dangling over the side. He placed the toy on the nearby nightstand as he sank to his knees in front of me.

“I’ll make sure you love it,” he promised. “But if you don’t, just tell me to stop and we will, instantly.”

His dark, heated gaze snared mine as he caressed my jean-clad inner thighs with his big, warm palms. “I’ve been dreaming about playing with your ass again since our first night together,” he added. “You loved it, remember?”

My heartbeat quickened as I easily recalled his clever fingers in my pussy and ass. I’d been shocked at the time, and I also had never come so hard in my life. “I did.”

He leaned forward and kissed me one more time as his hand stole down to fist his hard cock. “Take off your clothes,” he murmured against my lips.

With shaking fingers, I pulled my shirt over my head and shimmied out of my jeans and underwear as he stood up and shucked his own shoes, jeans and shirt. In spite of my jangling nerves—or maybe because of them—I felt my pussy cream even more as Denton stalked toward me with breathtaking purpose. Like a confident man in charge, he pushed me flat on my back and trailed his fingers down my naked body, pausing to gently pinch each nipple into hard points before continuing his path down to my molten center, where my legs were already spread indecently wide and waiting for his touch.

“You’re already soaked for me,” he murmured, his tone pleased as he slipped two long fingers inside of me, stroking slow and deep. “You like the idea of that plug filling your ass, don’t you, baby?”

I couldn’t deny the truth. “Yes.”

I clutched at the covers and drew in a shaky breath as he bent down to lick my clit with practiced swipes of his tongue, then sucked leisurely on the pearled flesh as his fingers continued their unhurried thrusts. He gradually built the pleasure, and when I was squirming beneath the onslaught of his talented mouth, he paused to reach over to the nightstand and pulled out the small bottle of lube that I knew he kept there. He snapped the top open and drizzled a small amount between my legs.

“We’ll use my finger first, then the plug,” he said, smearing the slick lubricant down to that tight, puckered flesh. “Is that okay?”

“Yeah,” I hushed out, and shuddered as I felt one of his larger fingers circle that forbidden place, then dip inside.

I stiffened at the initial discomfort and tensed as he pushed in a little further. Then groaned when he flicked his tongue across my sensitive clit, redirecting my focus to something far more blissful. Before long, I was rocking against his mouth and hand, whimpering with lustful need.

“So good,” he muttered, licking me one last time before lifting his head from between my legs and sliding his fingers from my body. “You look so fucking beautiful like this, Marcie. Spread open for me so uninhibitedly. Your pussy pink and swollen and glistening. I could eat you up all night long.”

As delightful as that sounded, I felt empty without his fingers in my pussy and ass. “Please, Denton,” I begged, my hips bucking wantonly toward his mouth. “I need . . .”

“I know exactly what you need, baby.”

He reached over and grabbed the anal plug, pausing to add a little extra lube on the smooth, flexible surface before pressing the fat head against my back hole and pushing forward steadily. I whimpered at the stretch and burn, then moaned as the flared end popped through my tight ring and locked into place. The sensation was foreign, but the decadent pressure and fullness stimulated nerve endings and heightened my excitement.

I suddenly felt shameless and greedy. “Oh, God, Denton . . .”

“You okay?” His concerned gaze flicked up to mine. “If it’s too much—”

I shook my head wildly against the mattress. “It’s not too much . . . it’s notenough.”

My confession set something off in him. Something dark and dominant that sparked in his eyes and I openly welcomed. He smirked knowingly as he came up on his knees between my thighs and lazily strummed my throbbing clit with his thumb until my legs trembled. “Do you want my cock inside you, too?”

I nodded feverishly. “I do.Please.”

“You want both holes filled?”


“Dirty girl,” he growled, the deep, possessive sound of his voice thrilling me.

“I’myourdirty girl.”

“Yes,mine.” Eyes dark and hot with lust, he grabbed his rigid shaft, stroking the length a few times in his fist before dragging the tip through the slick, wet heat dripping from my core. Teasing me. Taunting me. Until I was writhing beneath his touch and desperate, needy sounds escaped me.

“Tell me what you want,” he demanded, and I was powerless to resist his order.

“Fuck me,” I finally gasped, wanting him to use my body until we were both delirious with ecstasy. “I need you inside me, as deep as you can get.”

In one smooth movement, he flipped me over onto my stomach and lifted my hips so that I was on my hands and knees. He spread my ass cheeks, purring his pleasure as he looked at the plug filling me up, then wasted no more time aligning the head of his cock where it needed to be. Gripping my waist to hold me still, he drove his shaft to the hilt, jarring my entire body with the force and depth of his thrust. I cried out as the overwhelming sensation of dual penetration beat down the doors of my brain and took over all of my already-taxed higher thought processes.

Tags: Kaylee Monroe Romance