Page 15 of Stolen Fate

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I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him.

Jace stiffened in my arms for a brief second, probably from surprise, before he came alive, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in close.

He kissed me.

The first touch of his lips was everything I didn’t know I was missing.

I had never been kissed like this before.

I had never felt like this with a kiss before.

My arms tightened around him as he moved his lips over mine, coaxing my mouth open with the gentle touch of his tongue.

He pulled back slightly, our hot breaths mingling in the miniscule space between us, as he whispered softly, urgently, desperately for me to open my mouth for him. To let him in.

I sucked in a sharp breath and did as he asked, opening up and letting him greedily take me in.

We both moaned at the same time, and I could do nothing more than savor the velvety feel of his soft tongue playing with mine. I could do nothing more than mimic his movements and urgency.

“You taste so good,” he said against my lips. “I can’t wait to taste all of you.”

And he made his intentions clear when he cupped me between my legs. I squirmed a little in his arms, feeling the hot heat of his touch even through my jeans, and I nodded.

“Yes,” I hissed when he squeezed a little, his grip firm. I had never wanted to be naked as quickly as I wanted to be at that moment.

I wanted to feel his touch without anything in the way.

The elevator doors opened and Jace moved away from me. The only indication that he was as affected by me as I was by him was the slight hitch to his breathing—and the fact that I could see him tenting in his dress pants.

Even from the angle I was at, I pegged him to be bigger than average. But then again, that had to be the case since he was such a big man.

I was not small by any means. I was taller than most people I knew, and much curvier than I had been in my early twenties, but Jace made me feel soft and feminine in every way that counted. He made me feel beautiful, like I was someone in control of my own sexuality, and I wanted nothing more than to explore his big and powerful body with my tongue.

I licked my dry lips and Jace honed in on the movement. He grabbed my hand and quickly pulled me out of the elevator and into a hotel room doorway three rooms down the hall.

I was thankful we didn’t have to walk far. I didn’t think my shaky legs would be able to hold me up much longer. Jace turned to me when the door clicked open, and he pulled me back into his arms, his lips once more covering mine.

I closed my eyes to give in to the sensation.

The sensation of having a warm, solid male form pressed against me.

I hadn’t felt this in years, since I had, unintentionally, remained celibate over the past three years.

Jace led me inside the room and fumbled a bit with the light switch. I laughed against his lips when we stumbled into a wall and he almost tripped over me.

Thank God his reflexes were better than mine, or we would have been on the floor.

He gave up on the light switch after a minute, and instead, pushed me backward until the back of my legs hit against the foot of the bed.

Jace broke away from the kiss then and took me in with his eyes. The city outside brought in just enough light for me to make out his features, but not enough for me to see his expression. Nevertheless, I swore he looked at me with a bit of awe in his eyes, and I didn’t know what to make of that.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, do you know that?” he whispered.

I smiled a little, but I didn’t respond. I didn’t know what to say, and it didn’t look like he was looking for an answer anyway, because he moved away from me abruptly.

I watched him walk around the room until he reached the lamp on the bedside table. He clicked it on and turned back to me, his hand going up to his tie as he tugged it off.

I tried not to show too much excitement over the prospect of him taking off his clothes, but I must have failed, because he was smirking at me, his bright eyes dark with arousal and dancing with devilish humor.

Tags: V.T. Do Erotic