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I knew who was inside me, fucking me, sucking on my nipple, kissing my lips. Each of them found a groove, working in unison to make me come.

Leaning forward, Luca bit my bottom lip. “Scream my name, baby.”

“Luca,” I moaned, and then rattled off their names.

He breathed on my earlobe, grunting with each thrust, taking what he wanted from me. And then Damian reached between us and rubbed my clit with his thumb. Marcello kissed me, parting my lips with his tongue, as Bastian continued sucking on my nipples.

A shiver ripped through my body. One after the other, I came for them, and Luca captured each scream with a kiss.

After Luca came inside me, Damian pushed him out of the way. My sexy prince gripped my hips, and then flipped me so he could enter me from behind. He fucked me without mercy, his movements so rough and quick, wild and out of control.

Bastian moved in front of me, tugged on my hair, and pushed his cock past my lips. I swirled my tongue around the tip, inching him into my mouth, preparing myself for his size. His hand fell to the back of my head, his fingers roaming through my curls.

Damian fucked me like a possessed psycho, his fingers and cock marking me with each thrust. His hand came down hard on my ass. Once, twice, and then a third whack that had me begging for more. I lost myself to the mixture of pain and pleasure, allowing my handsome devils to drag me straight to Hell with them.

Bastian’s cum coated my tongue. I swallowed him down, his cock still in my mouth when Damian came into my pussy.

Saving himself for last, Marcello laid on his back and moved me on top of him. I rode him into the mattress, pressing my palms to his chest, branding his skin with my nails. He didn’t seem to mind and slammed into me, taking me harder. None of them treated me like I was breakable, like they could hurt me.

The five of us fit together perfectly.

And by the time Marcello was coming inside me, exhaustion swept over me, tired from the events of the day. So overwhelmed by all the orgasms that my body felt numb.

Marcello snaked his arm around my middle and lowered me to the mattress. Covered in sweat, I curled up beside him, with Bastian on my right. I held their hands, needing to feel them.

“I love you guys,” I whispered, and Marcello moved his hand to my stomach. “But we can’t do this when I get bigger. You may need to ease up on me until I have the baby.”

“Can’t handle us anymore, Cherry?” Bastian laughed. “Are we too much for you?”

“I’m tired all the time.” I blew out a deep breath through my nose. “And my stomach is growing. At one point, I was afraid I would tip over.”

“You’ve only gained twenty pounds,” Luca pointed out. “That’s nothing.”

“It doesn’t feel the same,” I told him. “I have so many aches and pains. And the heartburn… and just so many damn things.”

“You’re having Damian’s baby.” Marcello laughed. “It’s probably a demon.”

Everyone laughed, except for Damian.

“Dickheads,” he muttered. “There’s nothing wrong with the baby.”

My eyelids fluttered, despite my best efforts to fight the exhaustion washing over me. If they would let me, I would have slept for days. But not that easy to do with the baby waking me, needing to be fed.

I turned to the side and rested my head on Bastian’s shoulder. Marcello rolled over and wrapped his arm around me, making me feel safe and loved.

He brushed the hair off my forehead and kissed me. “Sweet dreams, my beautiful wife.”

Two months after the wedding, our lives were finally going back to normal. All the guys seemed less on edge. We could leave the house without looking over our shoulders. They were slipping into their roles as husbands and fathers, pampering me and showering me with love and gifts.

“I have a surprise for you,” Damian said as he led me down the second-floor hallway.

“You’ve been keeping secrets from me?”

“Not exactly,” he said with a devious grin. “I wanted this to be a surprise.”

When he opened the door across from my bedroom, I raised my hands in front of my mouth. “Oh, my God, Damian.” I stepped inside, in awe as I lowered my arms to my sides, taking in the attention to detail in the space.

We found out last week we were having a daughter. My dreams and suspicions were one hundred percent true. Call it a woman’s intuition, but I just knew. I felt it deep in my bones that a baby girl was in my belly.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic