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“Can you tell us apart now?” Luca asked with laughter in his tone.

“Yes,” I breathed.

“Let’s find out.”

His brothers climbed onto the bed with us, each of them touching me in different places. My heart crashed into my chest, beating so hard and fast I wondered if they could hear the effect they had on me. This time, I wasn’t afraid of the unknown. I knew what to expect with my men and welcomed it.

Luca slid off me, and then the four of them shuffled around until I wasn’t sure where Luca went. Six months ago, I was terrified of the dark. But my men lived in the dark and helped me embrace it.

Tracing my fingers over their arms and chests, I felt my way from one to the other. The scent of bergamot filled my nostrils.

I smiled as I touched him. “Bash.” Then I moved my hand up his chest, over his heart, and felt the X scar with the pads of my fingers.

Next, I moved to my left, drinking in the scent of Marcello’s citrus aftershave. His arms were the thickest, corded with muscle. Even with both hands wrapped around his arm, I couldn’t give him a good squeeze.

“Marcello,” I whispered.

He leaned forward, clutched my chin, and kissed my lips. “Good girl.”

The guys moved around again, leaving me at the mercy of my senses. Kneeling on the bed between them, I felt each of their chests, roamed up and down their arms. Luca and Damian were the leanest and the tallest. I knew I had one of them in front of me. They both had scars on their torsos and backs, so that didn’t help me navigate their bodies.

But as I continued my exploration, I focused on his scent. Sandalwood. Even if I couldn’t smell him, the sheer size of his cock would have given him away. Luca was so long I needed both hands to jerk him off.

“Luca.” I gave him a few strokes. “Couldn’t miss this big dick, now could I?”

Luca smiled against my cheek, breathing on my skin as his fingers wove through my hair. “You want me inside you, baby girl? Splitting you open, stretching out your tight pussy?”

“Yes,” I breathed, on the verge of losing all self-control. “But I need to touch Damian first.”

He sat back, his hands falling from my body, and then I felt my way in the dark once more. I knew exactly what to look for with Damian. A woodsy scent tipped up my nose, and then I let my fingers wander down his stomach over the patch of hair that went down to his cock.

“Damian.” I pressed my lips to his, a quick kiss that left both of us wanting more. “Found you.”

He rubbed the top of my head. “Good Pet.”

After I found each of them, the game had just begun. No longer giving a damn about the darkness, I let my men take control, desperately needing a release. Marcello curled my fingers around his thick cock. He wasn’t as long as Luca, but he was big in other ways.

Luca put my hand around him and helped me stroke him hard. Matching Luca’s forceful movements, I jerked both of them, loving the way they grunted and groaned as I brought them closer to the finish line.

Damian moved to the bed in front of me. He dipped his head between my thighs and dug his long fingers into my ass cheeks. Licking me from front to back, he devoured me like he was starving and dying for a taste. Like he wouldn’t survive another second if he didn’t eat the cum from my pussy.

My screams of pleasure matched those of my men, and it wasn’t long before a rush of cold, then heat shot down my arms, taking me to new heights.

“Damian,” I choked out, ready to fall over from the sheer force of his tongue. “Oh, my God. Yes, yes… Mmm… Don’t stop.”

“Come for us, Cherry.” Bastian was behind me now, shoving the curls off my shoulders so he could plant soft kisses on my neck.

I moaned with each kiss, closing my eyes so I could really feel them.

“That’s it, good girl.” His teeth grazed my hot flesh, and my skin dotted with bumps of desire. “Come all over my brother’s face.”

As if on command, my legs trembled, forcing Damian to hold me tighter. I thought Luca would come in my hand like his brother, but he peeled my fingers from his cock. And then he had me on my back, his strong body pinning me to the mattress. He pushed inside me without warning, breaking through my inner walls in one quick thrust.

Marcello massaged my breast, while Bastian’s teeth pierced my nipple, tugging on it like an animal. Throughout my pregnancy, the tiny buds had been sore, but as he bit and sucked, the pain instantly turned to pleasure.

Luca wasn’t gentle. Quite the opposite, actually. Even after all these months, it still hurt the first time he entered me. He was just too damn big, and I was still so tight.

This time was different.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic