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Damian moved behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders, dipping his head down to brush his lips against my ear. “Do you like it, Pet?”

Three walls had gray and pink wallpaper, with one accent wall hand painted with a scene from Swan Lake. Odette was mid-air, floating over the lake, dressed in a ballerina costume, surrounded by swans. To match the room, the artist had used a mixture of white, gray, black, and pink paints.

At the center of the space sat a custom canopy bed. It was dark, metal, and shaped into tree branches. Like it was in the middle of an enchanted forest. Everything about this room was magical, the perfect room for our little girl. There was a crib version of the elaborate bed on the opposite side of the room. The rest of the furniture was white with pink and gray accents.

Double doors, which led to a private patio, sat between two walls of windows. Sunlight streamed through the curtains, bathing the room in a golden glow. A reclining chair was by the window, and I could already see myself rocking our baby girl as a cool breeze blew in from the bay.

I turned to face Damian, my lips parted in surprise, happy tears streaming down my cheeks. “How did you pull this off?”

“I can’t take all the credit.” He removed a long velvet box from his pocket. “We’ve been working on this for a long time.” Damian put the box in my hand. “I got you something.”

I smiled as I flipped open the box, unable to contain my excitement. A diamond choker with at least thirty massive diamonds. The box and the necklace weighed a ton.

He lifted the necklace from the box with an adorable smile, a real one that reached his green eyes. “Turn around.”

He brushed the curls off my shoulder and draped the diamonds around my neck. As he fastened the clasp, his long fingers grazed my skin, and I tilted my head to the side. Knowing what I wanted, he pressed a soft kiss on my neck, his lips moving up to my jaw.

“Thank you, Damian,” I whispered. “This room. The necklace. It’s perfect.”

“My pretty Pet needed a collar.” He smiled against my cheek. “So you never forget who owns you.”

“Please,” I shot back. “I own you.”

“You do,” he said in a deep, sexy tone that sent a chill down my arms. “I’m yours.”

I let him hold me in his strong arms for a moment before I needed to see his face, to touch his skin. His eyes illuminated as I spun around and hooked my arms around his neck.

“I love you, Damian.” I kissed his lips. “Sofia is going to love you, too.”

With his hands on my hips, he stared into my eyes. “Sofia?”

I nodded. “I want to name her after your mom. She was smart and strong and she gave me you.”

He blinked a few times, and I could have sworn his eyes were glassy, like he was fighting back tears. His lips touched mine, and we breathed hard, holding each other without actually kissing.

“I love you.” Damian’s fingers wove through my curls, pulling my mouth to his. “I love you, Alexandrea Salvatore. You have given me things I never thought I wanted, never even thought I could have. But most of all, you taught me how to feel again, when I thought there wasn’t a single thing about me to love.”

I kissed him so hard the air drained from my lungs. He could have stolen my last breath, and I wouldn’t have cared. Because it would have been worth it.

Of all my guys, Damian was the toughest to crack. The one man I thought would spend the rest of his life hating himself too much to love another person. But he’d always loved Bastian, even more so than himself.

And hearing those words…

It filled me with so much joy my heart swelled with love for him. I moved his hand over my stomach. My body was filling out, the changes more noticeable. I could still wear my usual loose clothing, but dresses and more form fitting outfits had to be swapped out for new ones. That gave Luca something to look forward to. He loved picking out my wardrobe and dictating my schedule. It made him happy, so I let him do it. Each of my guys took care of me in different ways.

We kissed for what felt like hours before I heard Marcello’s voice.

“Do you like the mural?” He walked into the room, dressed in a black suit with a navy blue tie. He looked handsome, his black hair wavy and falling all over the place. I never understood how he could pull off such a messy look while still looking so put together.

“It’s brilliant.” I moved toward Marcello. “Who did you hire to paint it?”

He smiled. “I painted it.”

I glanced at the wall again, noting the detail in Odette and the scenery, and smiled. “Of course you did. You’re so talented, Marcello. I wish you would show the world your art.”

He shook his head. “It’s for our eyes only.”

Marcello was just as talented as his mother. Clearly, he learned everything he knew from the legend.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic