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“No, uncle.” Dante walked beside his brothers, the four of them a unit. “I came to watch your downfall. The wedding is a sham. Luca and Alexandrea have been married for days.” A wicked grin tipped up his mouth. “This is all for show. A ruse to draw you out of hiding. We knew you couldn’t resist the challenge of stealing the bride on her wedding day.” Dante clicked his tongue. “You’re so predictable.”

Dozens of men followed Dante, their guns aimed at Lorenzo and his men. Lorenzo was out-manned, outnumbered, and at a complete disadvantage. He clearly had underestimated his opponents. Luca and Marcello had planned out every second of the day and had a backup plan for the backup plan.

Lorenzo tipped his head back and laughed. “You disappoint me, Dante. We had a deal. One day, you could have taken over for me.”

“I don’t want the job,” Dante shot back. “I have a family to run.” His lips curled up into a devious grin. “I spoke with Giovanni Angeli after you offered me his position. Turns out, he was eager to replace you. As we speak, he’s transitioning into his new role.” Dante raised the gun to Lorenzo’s head. “Goodbye, uncle. See you in the afterlife.”

And then he pulled the trigger.

Hours after the wedding, we arrived at the Salvatore Estate. I stared out the window of the limousine, taking in the breathtaking architecture of my home. This place was once my prison, my worst nightmare, and now I was calling it my home.

I was Mrs. Salvatore.

It still didn’t feel real.

If someone had told me I would marry my high school bullies, I would have said they were insane. I never thought I would end up here. With Aiden’s help, I thought I would run away and create a new life some place else.

But I didn’t run too far.

Maybe a part of me always knew this was where I belonged. With my family, my broken billionaires.

The loves of my life.

Without a word, Luca grabbed my hand and guided me into the house, leading me upstairs to my bedroom. He didn’t speak as he unzipped the dress and slid the straps down my shoulders. I stepped out of the gown, and he handed it to Marcello to hang in my closet. Then Bastian was on his knees, stripping off my garter belt, with Damian working on my other leg.

In a slow, sensual manner, Bastian ripped off one stocking and spread my thighs with his big hands. Damian discarded the other, and then his lips were on my inner thigh, planting hot kisses. My skin sizzled from the warmth of their breath, the sensation going straight to my toes.

Marcello stood beside Luca, hands on his narrow hips as he watched his brothers remove every speck of my clothing. Both of their cocks were hard and aimed at me through their slacks. I licked my lips, keeping my gaze on them as I shoved my hands through Damian and Bastian’s hair.

They kissed their way up each of my thighs. When they reached my soaking wet pussy, they lifted their heads. Looked up at me with their lips parted, their eyes filled with lust. And then they rolled their tongues over my clit, kissing each other with each flick, and I cried out for them. Loved the fact they were into each other, even if Bastian tried to deny it.

He thought liking Damian made him gay or bi or put some kind of label on him. I didn’t see it that way. Neither did Damian. They could love each other, want each other, and still have me. The three of us could be together without barriers or limits, a judgment-free zone that belonged to us.

Luca tugged on his tie, his gaze unwavering, watching every second of my pleasure. He loved seeing me get off, even if he wasn’t the one making me come. I moaned their names, holding onto Damian and Bastian as an earth-shattering orgasm swept through me like a storm.

By the time I came down from my high, Luca and Marcello were naked. Luca stroked his monster cock, his movements getting rougher with each tug. Beside him, Marcello gripped his shaft, using the pre-cum to stroke himself.

Luca stepped toward me, smirking. “Get on the bed, Mrs. Salvatore.”

Bastian and Damian rose to their full height, quickly removing their suits as Luca pushed me onto the mattress. He climbed on top of me, pinned my arms above my head, and kissed me. His tongue swept into my mouth with a delicious fury, claiming me like he wanted to brand me with his sinful touch.

“Let’s play a game.”

I grinned at his suggestion. “What kind of game?”

“One you will like.” He kissed my lips. “One where you’ll come more times than you can count.”

“I like this game already.”

He glanced over at Marcello, a silent exchange occurring between them.

And then the lights went out.

“Luca.” I shifted my weight beneath him. “What kind of game are we playing?”

“I already told you, Drea.” His lips moved up and down my jaw, then he worked his way down my neck. “Do you remember your first time?”

“Of course,” I whimpered between kisses. “How could I ever forget that night?”

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic