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She giggled, shoving her fingers through my hair. “You’re such a bad boy, Marcello.”

My tongue swept into her mouth as I slid my hand up her bare stomach and pinched her nipples over top of the bra.

“Marcello,” she whispered. “Please.”

I sucked her lip into my mouth. “Patience, my queen.”

“Touch me,” she whined. “I can’t stand it anymore.”

I twisted her nipple between my fingers, and she squealed. “I am touching you. My queen needs to learn some self-control.”

She whimpered when I sucked her nipple into my mouth over the fabric. Giving equal love to each of her tits, I licked, sucked, and bit the tiny buds until they were sore and sensitive, and she was screaming my name.

Pressing my palm to the tarp, I left a trail of kisses down her stomach. I was the patient one, so I took my time, wanting to savor every second. But she was desperate for release.

She grabbed my hand and shoved it into her panties. “Stop torturing me, Marcello. I’ve waited too long for you to touch me.”

I winked. “A little torture and pain will improve your orgasm. By the time I’m done with you, princess, you’ll be glad you waited.”

I pulled her panties down a few inches, exposing her smooth, waxed skin. She smelled so fucking good I almost lost control.


I never lost control.

She shivered when my lips brushed the skin above her waistband. Slow and steady, I took my sweet ass time tasting every bit of her flesh.

“Marcello,” she screamed. “I’m going to die if you don’t make me come.”

I laughed, and she trembled from my breath on her skin. Alex was a drug I could never kick, a high I would chase until the day I died. And this woman would be the death of me.

She was like sin, rolled in chocolate and dipped in a shot of whiskey. One taste and I was fucking high.

I tore her panties clean off her body, and she squealed as I thrust my fingers into her. She was so tight and wet, and I wanted to be inside her, but this wasn’t about me.

Throwing her leg over my shoulder, I fucked her with my fingers, ripping a series of moans from her beautiful lips. “How’s this, princess?” I licked her straight down the middle, and she cried out in pleasure. “Feel good?”


She arched her back, lifting her hips off the floor, letting me devour her like a starved animal. Her eyes slammed shut when I sucked her clit into my mouth and tugged on it with my teeth. I swapped my fingers for my tongue, licking her between her slick folds as I rubbed her clit with my thumb. She screamed my name, fisting my hair in her hands. With each moan, she yanked harder, ready to rip my hair from my scalp.

Not like I cared.

I got off on the pain.

Forcing my tongue to go deeper and deeper, I tasted every inch of her. She writhed beneath me, panting and swearing. I slung her other leg over my shoulder and grabbed her ass cheeks.

Her body trembled as she hit the peak of her climax, and I flipped onto my back, pulling her on top of me. She rocked her hips, riding my face so goddamn hard I couldn’t breathe as I licked her pussy. My name poured out of her mouth, my cock growing harder, straining against my dress pants.

Her legs shook, and one after another, her orgasms spilled out of her in violent waves. After she came on my tongue, she rolled off me, attempting to catch her breath.

“Fuck, princess.” I held my hand over my racing heart and stared up at the ceiling. “You almost suffocated me with your pussy. But it would have been worth it to die with the taste of you on my lips.”

She laughed. “You’re crazy.”

I sat up and licked my lips to get every drop of her. “You make me like this, woman. I’m so hopped up on adrenaline, I feel like I want to fuck you… and kill you.”

She rolled onto her side and pulled on my belt. I pushed her hand away, and she gave me a surprised look.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic