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“Are you sorry, Cherry?” Bastian buried his face in my neck, his teeth grazing my flesh. “Answer me.”

“No,” I muttered. “This changes nothing. I still hate both of you.”

“Your pussy says otherwise.”

Damian cupped the side of my face with rough possession, smearing my saliva and juices down my cheek. “The next time I tell you to do something, you better do it without complaint.”

“Not happening, psycho.”

He glared at me with pure hatred.

“What are you going to do about it?” I challenged.

Bastian wrapped his long fingers around my throat, pressing his nose to my cheek. “You think you’re so smart.” I swatted at his hand, gasping for air. “No one is coming to save you.” With his free hand, he reached between us and cupped my sex over my skirt. “We own you now, pretty girl.”

“No, you don’t,” I choked out.

He smirked. “What do you think my father bought from your grandfather?”

“He didn’t buy me.”

Bastian bit my bottom lip. “You’re here because we willed it. And you will stay in Devil’s Creek until we’re done playing with you.”

“I’m not a toy,” I shot back, fighting the wave of anxiety rolling through my chest. “You can make all the deals you want, but I will never be yours.”

Damian released a wicked cackle. He gripped my chin and pulled my face to him. “If I tell you to suck my cock, you get on your knees like a good little whore.”

“I’ve never done that before,” I said, mostly because I thought he wouldn’t want someone so inexperienced blowing him.

But my naivety backfired because a crooked smile graced his lips. He seemed way too pleased with my confession. I had a lot to learn about men and their desires.

Damian pried open my mouth with his fingers. I choked when he pushed them back too far.

They both laughed at me.

“We’ll have to work on her gag reflex,” Damian taunted. “This won’t do.”

“I wouldn’t trust your dick anywhere near my mouth.”

He shook his head, and black strands of hair dropped onto his forehead. My God, he was beautiful. His skin was so damn pale his lips looked blood-red. Damian reminded me of a vampire prince. And when he looked at me with those pretty emerald irises, I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

A cruel, beautiful monster.

“We’re going to teach you, Pet.” Damian’s tone chilled me to the bone.


Bastian laughed. “You think you’re getting one of us without the other? Not a chance. All four of us asked for you. Even Marcello wants a piece of Wellington pussy. Our father was happy to oblige.”

“Why do you want me? You don’t even know me.”

Damian’s fingers traced down the side of my body, his hand resting on my hip. “For the same reason all predators hunt.”

“This is a sport to you,” I guessed.

Neither of them responded. They were enjoying my pain and suffering too much.

The bell rang, and students scrambled past us. Everyone at Astor Prep feared The Salvatore brothers. Even the teachers and the headmaster changed directions when they saw them in the hallway. It was hilarious that people were so uncomfortable around a group of boys.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic