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He tapped the platinum serpent ring on the table, watching as his brothers fucked me with their fingers, working in unison. My body tensed, chills spreading down my arms. I’d never felt so full, not until I had both of their fingers working their magic on me.

“Bash,” I moaned, grabbing his dress shirt, my back pressed against Marcello’s chest. “Oh, fuck. Mmm… Marcello.” I licked my lips and looked up at him. “Harder. I want more.”

Marcello and Bastian had the perfect rhythm going, both of their fingers thrusting into me at the same time. As they drew back their fingers, they both added another. A whimper slipped past my lips.

Maybe I shouldn’t have said more. But it felt so damn good.

“You like this, Cherry?” Bastian pulled down the front of my dress, taking my nipple between his teeth. He stared up at me as he nibbled on the tiny bud. “Huh, baby? Tell us what you want.”

“I want to get fucked.”

Marcello groaned into my ear. “Princess, you’re gonna get fucked.”

For the first time since Luca sat down, his face illuminated with one of his sexy smirks. He looked pleased by my confession. So did my other handsome princes.

Bastian’s pace didn’t falter, pumping into me along with Marcello, both of them stretching me out. “My sweet Cherry wants to get fucked?”

“Yes,” I whimpered, on the verge of another orgasm. “I’m ready.”

“Not without Damian here,” Bastian said, his voice strained.

They had a pact, an unbreakable bond. None of them would act without all of them here.

“Then let’s go home,” I choked out.

Luca shook his head. “Not happening, baby girl. It’s not time.”

The announcer’s voice blended into the background. Women screamed around me, begging for more. Everyone in the room was having sex or watching it. Just hearing other people’s pleasure intensified my own.

My cheeks flushed, heat spreading down my body. I arched my back, milking both of their fingers, rocking my hips into their hands. Luca scooted closer, his drink raised to his lips. He watched me with those beautiful but predatory eyes, sipping from his glass.

I held his gaze, wondering what he was thinking. Wishing his fingers were inside me, too. He always knew how to torture me, make me want him even more.

Marcello’s hand closed over my throat. “Come for us, princess.”

He only squeezed just enough to put some pressure, heightening my orgasm that tore through me, stealing my last breath. I came all over their fingers, moaning each of their names. Even Luca, who was still studying me with fascination.

“Fuck. Me.” Bastian groaned. “I can’t wait to pop your cherry, baby. We need to kiss and make up with Damian, so we can get this party started.”

“You’re not popping shit,” Luca spit back with fire behind his words. “Her pussy is mine.”

“Go to hell, Luca.” I leaned forward, my top lip quivering. “I don’t belong to you.”

With his fist still curled on the table, he glared at me, his dark blue eyes narrowed into slits. “Yes. You. Do.”

“She’s right, bro,” Bastian tossed out with an attitude. “You don’t own her. Alex is ours. Or did you forget?”

“No, I didn’t forget. But we have rules.”

“Ah, well, I’ve never been all that good with following rules,” Bastian said with laughter in his voice. “You should try living a little. Stop being so uptight.”

“I’m really not in the mood for your bullshit, Bash.” He chugged the amber liquid in the glass and slammed it down on the table. “I’ve had a long week. We’re in over our heads. Alex’s pussy is the least of our worries.”

“It’s the only thing I’m worried about,” Bastian quipped.

“She won’t be around for long if you don’t take your head out of your ass.” Luca reached into the pocket of his suit jacket, scrolled through a few screens, and then threw the phone at Bastian. “See if this changes your mind.”

I tried to steal a peek at the screen as Bastian read whatever was so important, but he hid it under the table, out of my reach.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic