Page 4 of Cowboy Bred

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His arms curl around me, tightening almost ruthlessly. “She’s not going anywhere.”

I wish he meant forever. But I know he’s just being a good host and making sure that I’m taking care of.

He can’t possibly want me. He’s beautiful. The most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. Slim hips, strong thighs, a chest as wide as a mac truck, arms like steel bands curled around my body. I take a deep breath and let his scent waft around me. Pine, leather and something else so masculine my tummy twirls.

I lean into him and feel his lips caress my hair gently, soft like a butterfly’s wings. Maybe I imagined it. Maybe it’s wishful thinking. I’m not sure I actually want to know. I want to imagine that he did it. That he cares.

And that’s crazy, isn’t it? I shouldn’t be thinking the kinds of thoughts I’m thinking about a man that’s essentially a stranger.

He stands up and settles me in the bed tucking the covers around me.

“Now…you wait here. I’ll be back. I’m just going to walk these guys out and then I’ll come sit by you for awhile. I’ll have to go check on the animals at some point today. But right now, you’re the most important thing.”

My heart sings when he says that. If only it were really true. If only he meant it.

I sigh and lean back. I don’t know what’s going on but I know that I feel safe. Happy. And it’s been a long time since I felt either one of those feelings.

The clean sheets are soft and my eyes grow heavy. I can smell the faint scent of him in the air and it settles my body, soothes my soul.

The scents and sounds fade as I slip under again, a slow smile settling on my lips as I curl up against the cloud-soft pillow.

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance