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She snorts. “I think it’s dope. I’ve always wanted a tattoo, but if Dad ever found out, he’d—” Eden cuts herself off, pressing her lips into a thin line. I can practically hear the gears turning in her head. I refuse to let the awkwardness ruin the moment.

“Thomas egged me on,” I tell her. “Double dog dared me and everything.”

Eden laughs. “Really?”

“He was supposed to get a tattoo with me. ‘If you get one, I’ll get one,’ he said.”

“But Dad doesn’t have any?”

“Because he chickened out the second he got in the chair. Turns out he’s deathly afraid of needles.”

It’s a half-truth. Thomas didn’t dare me because getting the tattoo was a part of our initiation either way. Bailing out at the last moment might have been the only smart thing Thomas has ever done in his life.

Eden pauses, her gaze distant and far away. I can tell she’s deep in thought by the way her delicate brows knit together into a frown, her lips a firm line. “So…” she mumbles. “What happens now?”

“How do you mean?”

“Is this going to change things at work? Are you going to have to fire me now that we’ve slept together?”

“Why would I do that?”

“I dunno. Won’t it be awkward?”

“You think I’m going to fire you out of fear of things being awkward?”

She shrugs. “Maybe?”

“The job is yours for as long as you want it, Eden. Your work performance thus far has impressed me, and it’d be a pain in the ass to try and find a replacement. You have nothing to worry about as long as we remain professional when we’re at the office.”

“So I guess I should probably ease up on the short skirts?”

I growl, rolling over to climb on top of her and pin her hands on either side of her head. “I don’t mind the short skirts,” I mutter against her lips. My cock stiffens, excited by the thought of Eden strutting around my office panty-less. “Just know that if I catch you bending over on purpose again, Iwillhave to teach you a lesson.”

Eden smirks, emboldened. “Care to give me a preview, sir?”

“Are you sure that’s what you want? Because I have no intention of stopping until you’re a ruined mess.”

She shivers as she licks her lips, mischievousness lighting her mismatched eyes. “Do your worst, sir,” she says defiantly.

I chuckle. “I intend to.”

Chapter 12

Tip #12: Fooling around on a business call is risky, but highly encouraged.


Iwouldn’t say that I feel like a new woman. I’m still me, just a bit more experienced than I was the day before. What Iamis sore in places I didn’t know it was possible to be sore in. It’s not a terrible feeling, per se. It’s more like the stiffness you get after a good, long workout.

And Hunter worked me outhard.

I lost track of how many times we fucked the night before. Was it four or five times before 4:00 a.m., or was it more like six or seven? I was so hopped up on adrenaline, dopamine, and the scent of his cologne that it really didn’t matter. By the time he was finished with me, I was bone-tired and drifting off to La La Land.

His side of the bed is already cold by the time I wake up the next morning.

I rub the sleep from my eyes, swallowing the weird feeling of disappointment stirring in my gut. What was I expecting? Cuddles? Breakfast in bed? Good morning kisses like Hunter and I are a loving boyfriend and girlfriend? I may be young and full of optimism, but I’m not stupid and I’m definitelynotclingy. What happened between us was a one-time thing. This is a casual arrangement at best, and I have my doubts that a man like Hunter is looking to participate in this year’s cuffing season.

He did me a favor. Thebiggestof favors. I’m satisfied enough with leaving it at that.

Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance