Page 109 of My Ex-Boyfriend's Dad

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“You make it sound like I painted you in a bad light.”

“You know what I mean. This is all so out of character for you.”

I leaned forward in amazement. “I left you several messages to approve the article but your staff never got back to me, even after I provided deadlines of its publication. The town wants to know their mayor, and I wrote what I knew. With the upcoming election, it’s important to draw attention away from all the false drama in the news about you. I thought I had a realistic perspective that others might appreciate. It’s my duty as a friend and a citizen of this town.”

“You wrote about my daughters.”

“I mentioned you have two little girls, but that’s it. Beside the fact that you’re a single dad. I mean, none of that is false, is it?”

His gaze narrowed on me, and he leaned closer.

“You’re no longer a kid, Elle. We’re in the real world and if I let myself get concerned about all the allegations about me then I probably shouldn’t be a mayor anyway. Life isn’t fair and we just need to focus on what we can control. You’re better off not wasting your time, or mine.”

He was back to calling me Elle, that was a good sign.

It made me sad to think about how jaded he must have become since the last time I’d seen him. Perhaps all the drama from the office had really gotten to him – and that coupled with his being a single dad to twins could make anyone feel fed-up.

On the good side, the scent of him was the same as when I was younger. Musky and natural, but delightful to my nostrils.

I closed my eyes for a second and inhaled the scent, taken back to a different time.

A time when my dad was alive.

Of BBQs on our back patio.

Flaunting my shapely bikini body around Jeremiah at the poolside.

I knew he had a distinct appreciation for curvaceous women. Compared to my classmates in school, I leaned on the side of curvy and voluptuous and I always loved that about my body.

When it came to Jeremiah, I didn’t think twice about flaunting my curves. I yearned for his attention like a giddy little school girl.

Much to my disappointment, Jeremiah was always a gentleman. He never came even close to crossing the taboo line I yearned for him to cross. No matter how hard I tried, and boy did I try.

“Are you even listening to me?”

“Yes,” I lied.

“Then what did I say?” He stared down at me with such a serious expression on his face that I burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Just that you remind me of my dad right now,” I said, wiping the tear from my eye from laughing so hard. “So serious. So mad. You look like you’re ready to burst a blood vessel or something.”

He stared at me stone faced. He was always composed. Collected. I loved that about him. His composure was a galaxy away from the manners of all the immature boys I grew up around.


“But why, Jeremiah?” My chair made a scratching sound as I scooted back from my desk. I stood up, but even standing, he still towered over me. He was at least a foot taller than me, but I didn’t let that phase me. He had never scared me before, and I wasn’t about to let him get to me now either. “You’ve always taught me to focus on the positive. It was all good, all very positive.”

“When I’m ready to share my personal life in the media I want it by my terms, Elle.” He placed his hands on the desk and leaned across.

I leaned forward too, my hands on the desk, mirroring him.

“Jeremiah, I hate to break it to you, but once you became a public figure, your personal life became fair game. And if I wasn’t writing about you, then who would you prefer? Others are writing about you right now, and I’m sure you’re aware it isn’t all that good. I thought you could use some positive publicity for a change, considering all that’s going on in the mayor’s office right now, and talks of possible jail time. It’s all too absurd for me to just stand around and not do anything!”

I didn’t think it was possible for his frown to deepen, but he did it. Deep frown lines etched into his face, making him more attractive and adorable.

God, he’s perfect.

Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance