Page 104 of My Ex-Boyfriend's Dad

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We gathered around the kitchen together. There were so many of us around the table, but I wasn’t going to complain. It was wonderful, my first Thanksgiving with the whole family. It was loud and chaotic and perfect.

Jesse sat next to me, checking on Amelia while kissing me on the temple. “How are my two favorite girls doing?”

“We’re doing good. Hungry, though.”

“I thought I heard her crying.”

“What were you boys talking about in the kitchen?”

“Oh, you know, talking shop. Boring stuff, really.”

“Firewall design isn’t boring,” Devin grumbled from his side of the table. “It’s way more interesting than talking about Adam’s weight gain. Right, Theo?”

Theo put his hands up in mock surrender. “I have no opinion.”

“Did you hear that, Adam?” Jesse asked our infant son. “Uncle Devin doesn’t think it’s impressive you’ve grown so much, no he doesn’t.”

Devin rolled his eyes. “I didn’t say it wasn’t impressive. He’s a baby. Babies grow.”

“Do Ihaveto eat the Brussel sprouts?” Cory complained.

Ava gave him a gentle smile. “Yes, sweetie. You have to. Do you want to grow up big and strong like your father?”

“But Cassie doesn’t like Brussel sprouts, either.”

Theo huffed. “How about for each one you eat, I’ll give you a quarter?”

Ava frowned. “I don’t think we should pay them to eat their food, dear.”

“If you don’t take the offer, I will,” Molly said, leaning over to whisper in Cory’s ear.

“Deal!” he shouted, portioning out a small pile of greens onto his plate.

“Alright,” Wally declared from the oven. He retrieved the turkey from inside and expertly moved the bird onto a long serving platter. “Who’s hungry?”

An enthusiastic murmur of agreement washed over the room as Wally sat the plate down in the center of the table before taking his seat. We dug in without much fanfare, feasting to our heart’s content. Everything was delicious. The turkey was juicy. The stuffing was savory. The gravy was thick and salty.

Cory worked on his vegetables and earned himself a whole dollar before giving up. Molly helped herself to a second glass of red wine, listening intently to Devin talk about the coding project he was working on despite the fact that she didn’t know a thing about computers. Theo and Ava traded Cassie back and forth, taking turns eating. Wally told Cory all about what it was like in Paris and the endless number of art museums there.

Jesse and I sat together, knees touching beneath the table. Amelia and Adam were both awake now, but they weren’t fussy, too busy taking in all the sights and smells.

Jesse raised his glass. “A toast,” he said. “To family.”

“To family!” the room cheered.

And then, he murmured in my ear, “And to you, the love of my life.”

I grinned at him. “Right back at you,” I said with a wink.

Epilogue II


Four years later

Icouldn’t afford to be late. Even though I worked mostly from home now, certain work-related emergencies warranted an occasional drop in first thing in the morning. I was still the boss, and it was important that my employees remembered that. I might not rule with an iron fist anymore, but I still expected a level of professionalism and efficiency. I grabbed the necessary documents from my office before bolting right back out the front doors of Pegasus Star Security, hopping into the front seat of the SUV I’d parked by the curb.

“Dad,” Amelia complained. “Gonna be late!”

Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance