Page 70 of Christmas Triad

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Evan had worked his magic on me. I’d been stressed about work and Adam and everything else. But just one evening with him had been enough to melt my cares away.

And more than that, the dancing and music had made me realize just how attracted to him I was, how much he turned me on. So, when he asked me what I really wanted, I had to do my best to keep myself in check.

After all, I knew what I wanted. It was to be on my back being used by all three of the Wolf brothers at once. I didn’t dare say that out loud. Then again, Evan had been the one to tell me I didn’t have to pick between all three of them. But all of them at the same time couldn’t have possibly been what he’d meant…right?

However, there was one Wolf there with me. And if he desired a taste of what I wanted, I’d give it to him. I reached forward and took hold of his collar, pulling him down toward me. Evan had a sly grin on his face as we moved closer and closer together, as if he knew we were both about to get exactly what we wanted.

The moment his lips touched mine I had no doubt I’d made the right call. The sting of whiskey washed over my mouth, the musky scent of his sweat wrapping around me, pulling me closer to him as surely as a third arm. I pressed my body against his, feeling the hardness of his chest and middle and, well, everything else.

Evan put his hand on the small of my back, bringing my body completely against his. Just like with Jay and Duncan it felt right to be held by Evan, as if it simply made sense. And as our tongues teased one another’s, all I could think about was how much more I wanted.

The music started again, whoops and hollers sounding from the crowd as everyone hurried back onto the dance floor. The noise was enough to remind both of us that we were still in public, that we couldn’t get too hot and heavy where we were.

Sure, we could’ve danced some more. But I wasn’t in the mood for dancing. Nope – I was in the mood for a different sort of physical activity. And judging by Evan’s hardness down below, so was he.

“We should get out of here,” I said.

He grinned. “I most definitely agree with that.”

Evan stood up straight. And when he did, a strange expression took hold of his handsome face.

“You alright?” I asked.

“Just…a little tipsy. I mean, I’m fine. But I don’t think I should be driving.”

I felt a little wobbly myself. Those whiskey shots had done their work, and although I felt clear-headed and with it, driving likely wasn’t a good idea.

“How about an Uber?” I asked.

“We could do that. But Jay’s not too far from here. I’ll give him a call.”

My eyes flashed wide. Jay? He was going to call his brother to…what, have him pick us up then drop us off at Evan’s place? What would Jay think about that?

But Evan, seeming to sense the unease I felt, put his hand on my shoulder. The moment he touched me I felt better, the tension melting away. The Wolf brothers were a little magical like that.

“It’s fine,” he said. “Trust me.”

Before I could respond, he slipped his phone out of his pocket, dialed Jay, and stepped away from me with his other hand covering his free ear. I watched as he spoke, unable to hear what he was saying over the noise of the crowd.

Whatever they talked about didn’t take long. Evan put his phone back in his pocket and came back over to me.

“He’s actually on his way home from getting a drink down the way. Says he’ll be here in a couple of minutes.”

My heart began to race. What was going to happen when Jay got here, saw that we were both a little tipsy and spending time together? Jay was as sharp as they came – no way he wouldn’t be able to read between the lines, to pick up on subtext. I bit my lip as Evan retrieved the notes from the bartender then came over to take my hand.

“Come on,” he said. “Don’t want to keep little bro waiting.”

I nodded, not saying a word as we weaved through the crowd and made our way outside. The evening air was calm and still with a touch of briskness, a few bar patrons out there smoking cigarettes and chatting amongst themselves. There was so much I wanted to ask Evan – where were we going? Did he tell Jay what had happened? Had Jay told him what had happened?

But we didn’t get a chance. Two big beams of light that I recognized right away as belonging to Jay’s truck cut through the dark of night. His truck grumbled to a stop in front of the bar, as Jay looked both of us up and down.

“You kids need a lift?” he said with a grin.

“Took you long enough!” Evan shouted jokingly.

“Ha, ha,” Jay replied dryly. “Get your drunk asses in here.”

Tags: K.C. Crowne Erotic