Page 63 of Christmas Triad

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“Huh?” I glanced over my shoulder and realized that I was standing buck naked, my rear only a few feet from her. I couldn’t help but laugh.

Together we threw on our clothes and did our best to make the couch look like it hadn’t just had two people screwing on it. When that was done and we were dressed, the two of us hurried out of the apartment. It wasn’t that late, but the sun was already disappearing on the horizon. The evening was still and cool, the evening quiet. The storm from earlier had passed. Off in the distance the waves crashed on the shore in soft hushes.

“One of those nights that makes you glad to live in a place like this, huh?” I asked.

“Yeah. One of those nights that makes you wish you could spend it with a certain someone and not kick them out into the cold.” She followed this up with a sly smile.

“Don’t make leaving any harder,” I said, returning her smile.

When we were near my car, Dream and I turned to face one another. The silver light of the moon gave her already beautiful features an unearthly glow. It was impossible to stand there in front of her without planting one last kiss on her lips.

So, that’s what I did. I leaned forward and kissed Dream, her mouth melting into mine, our tongues intertwining for several long moments. I didn’t want it to end, but knew it had to. I took my lips from hers and backed up.

“See you around, Dream,” I said with a smile as I opened my car door.

She said nothing in response, simply smiling and gently waving her fingertips, as if nothing needed to be said.

She was right.

* * *

I woke up bright and early that next morning with the biggest damn smile on my face I’d had in a long, long time. Dream was on my mind, of course – the only subject of my thoughts from the moment I woke up and beyond. A quick check of my phone revealed a text from Evan asking if I was planning on heading to the gym for a morning workout, that he and Jay wanted to meet me there. I replied with an affirmative.

I decided to skip the shower, figuring I’d get one in at the locker room at Jake’s. After throwing on some gym clothes and making myself an iced coffee mixed with some pre-workout protein powder, I was on my way.

The morning was perfect. The air was cool, but still warmer than most winter days, and the sun came up in stunning colors over the eastern horizon. I pulled up to the gym next to Evan and Jay’s cars, the place already alive with activity. After checking in and chatting for a few minutes with the front desk employees, who I was on a first name basis with, I found Evan and Jay by the leg press machine switching off sets.

Evan, who was leaning against the machine while Jay worked, regarded me with an expression of curiosity.

“Whoa,” he said, smirking a bit. “Someone had a good night’s sleep.”

“What’re you talking about?” I asked as I made my way over to the guys.

Evan gestured toward my face, a bottle of light blue Gatorade Zero in his other hand. Jay, in the middle of his set, greeted me with a quick flip up of his chin before turning his attention back to the task at hand.

“You rolled up with the biggest, most shit-eating-grin on your face. I mean, you look like you got the best news of your life, man.”

Jay pushed the weights back up one last time before locking them into place with the safety catch. Then he glanced up at me, his curiosity piqued.

“Yeah,” he said as he hopped up, wiping his face with his towel. “You look all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.”

I hesitated for a moment. Part of me wanted to keep to myself what had gone down last night. Not because I didn’t trust my brothers, but more out of respect for Dream, thinking that she might not appreciate having her sex life up for open discussion.

Ultimately, my brothers won out in my internal debate. The guys and I told everything to one another, and I wasn’t about to start keeping secrets now.

“It’s Dream,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck as I spoke. “Last night…she and I…”

“You serious?” Evan asked. “You hooked up with Dream?”

I glanced around, making sure we hadn’t caught anyone’s attention. The music was loud and the gymgoers around us all had headphones on or earbuds in.

“How the hell did that happen?” he asked.

I leaned back against the machine. “Went over to her place yesterday. Just dropped by.”

Jay was confused. “You just…went over? Like, you strolled over unannounced?”

“That’s what texts are for, dude,” Evan said with a grin.

Tags: K.C. Crowne Erotic