Page 38 of Christmas Triad

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“And arrogant, too,” she said with a smile once I had it all in hand. “Just like I remember you being back in high school.”

I closed the truck up and locked it with a click of the fob. Then we were off.

“Oh, yeah? And what else do you remember about me from high school?”

“Well, mostly that you were arrogant, like I said. And kind of a jerk to other people.”

“A jerk, huh?”

“Yeah. I remember you always…snarling at people.”

“Only way to get them to leave you alone sometimes.”

“And that’s what you wanted?” she asked. “People to leave you alone?”

“I had my brothers – who else did I need? And besides, letting people get too close is how you get hurt.”

She raised her eyebrows, a small smile on her lips.

“Is that right? Did someone hurt the big, tough Jay Wolf?”

“Nope. And that’s never going to happen. Really, it’s more about knowing who you are and where your boundaries lay. If you want to enforce that shit, you’re going to have to behave in ways that other people don’t like.”

“Interesting.” She said the word with eyes narrowed slightly, as if I’d said something that she wanted to give more thought to at a later time.

We reached the main area of the farmer’s market. The place was packed with vendors, people setting up food stands and craft tables, an acoustic band in the center putting together a small stage.

“Wait, hold on.” Dream stopped in place, her eyes on something or someone ahead.

“What’s up?”

“This place is divided up into little sections. If you want to have a place, you have to get in touch with the farmer’s market people and reserve a space.”

“Makes sense.”

“And I’m in 3F. Right there.” With her free hand, she pointed ahead to a small spot with a paper sign in front that read, “3F”.

There were already people there, two big guys setting up a stand for what looked to be local whiskey.

“Hold this,” Dream said. Before I could say a word, she plopped her box on top of mine and began going through her purse. She fished out a piece of paper and unfolded it.

“Yeah, that’s right,” she said, tapping the paper. “I’m at 3F.”

“Looks like that guy took your space. See? He’s in yours and the one next to it.”

“Shoot,” she said. “Must be a misunderstanding. Let me go talk to them.”

Before I could say a word, she was already on her way over to the guys. My first instinct was to jump in and have her back, but I knew Dream well enough to understand that she was as headstrong as they came and loved to fight her own battles.

Hell, it was one of the things I’d always loved about her.

“Excuse me!” she said, waving her hand to get the attention of the men. They both looked up, their eyes shaded under the brims of their trucker caps.

“Yeah?” one of them asked in a gruff voice.

“I think you guys are in my spot,” she said. “Well, you’re in your spot and my spot. So, if you could move, that’d be great.”

“These are both our spots,” the other guy said. “Talked to the farmer’s market people earlier today, told them we’d need two for all our merch.”

Tags: K.C. Crowne Erotic