Page 30 of Christmas Triad

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“Oh!” I said, dusting my hands and reaching for my coffee. “Either of you talk to Dream last night before she left? I was with some people, and I saw her fly out of the place around midnight. It was weird – she looked like she’d seen a ghost.”

Jay’s eyes stayed on Evan.

“We need to tell him.”

Evan chuckled as he dumped a small container of cream into his coffee. “Dude, why are you being so serious? You’re acting like someone died or some shit.”

“Because it’s a big deal and Duncan deserves to know.”

“And he will know. I was planning on telling him, like we talked about. Just giving him a few minutes to settle in and get some food and coffee in him first, you know?”

I leaned in. “You guys know I’m right here, right?” I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. “I don’t know what the news is, or what your plans were for telling me. But I’m going to hear it, and I’d like to hear it now.”

“Fine, fine,” said Evan. “It, ah, it has to do with Dream.”

“Has to do with Dream, how?” I asked. “Did something happen to her last night?”

“You could say that.” Evan replied with a sly smile.

“Tell me,” I said. “Out with it.”

“I’ll do it,” Jay said.

With that, he leaned forward and spilled it.

He told me everything, told me about how he’d gone outside with Dream the night before, how Evan had joined them, sauntering up all cocky and full of whiskey. He told me how Evan blabbed about how hot he thought she was, how much he wanted to kiss her.

“You didn’t,” I looked at Evan. “You didn’t.”

Evan kept right on grinning. “I did.”

I let out a sigh. Before we had a chance to go on, Mel came over with three garbage plates. The meals, as unappetizing as the name might’ve been, were like heaven on a plate. Mel had moved to Charmed Bay from upstate New York and brought with her the spin on a breakfast special from that area. It was a huge plate of home fries, gravy, biscuits, sausage, and cheesy scrambled eggs.

Too bad I was no longer in the mood to eat.

“You kissed her?” I asked, my eyes wide. Part of me wanted to grab Evan by the collar and smack some sense into him right then and there. But I held back.

“That’s not all,” said Jay. “We both kissed her.”

I didn’t know what to do. I let my head hang back, an annoyed groan flowing from my mouth.

“Are you guys serious?” I asked.

“What?” Evan replied. He grabbed the bottle of hot sauce from the condiments and splashed some onto his food. “Didn’t we already talk about this? We agreed that we all wanted her, and if she wanted to share then that’d be fine with us. And trust me, she was more than down with sharing.”

“Yeah,” I said. “Right up until the time she freaked out and ran out of there.” My stomach grumbled, and I decided I couldn’t resist the food any longer. I shoveled a big forkful into my mouth and chewed. The food was so good that for a moment I’d forgotten all about the incident, letting myself get carried away to grease heaven.

“So, she got a little overwhelmed,” Evan said. “She was happy with it while it was happening.”

“But have you guys talked to her since then?” I asked. “Checked up on her to make sure she’s OK?”

“Nah,” Evan answered. “Not yet. I was thinking about it, though.”

I closed my eyes again, more than a little frustrated with what I was hearing.

“Dudes, did you think maybe it wasn’t the best idea to go from zero to sixty like that? Sure, I was thinking we’d talk to her about all this. But not in the alley behind Red’s when we were all drunk. No wonder she ran the hell out of there. Poor kid was probably more overwhelmed than she’d ever been in her life.”

Evan and Jay shared a look, one that suggested they’d both realized they’d screwed up.

Tags: K.C. Crowne Erotic