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"Eve. . . " He turns and frowns at me. "You're really pushing me. Vasily was Michel's servant and now he's mine. Even he would never deny me a request and he's a cold-hearted killer. Hey, Vasily!"

Vasily pokes his head around the office divider. "Yes, Boss?"

"Would you ever tell me no if I told you to do something?"

"Never, Boss, unless I wanted to push up daisies."

"Should Eve play the Chopin when I ask her?"

"She should play."

"See?" he says and turns back to me. "Even Vasily's obedient to me. Now, play the piece."

I sit with my hands in my lap. "You can force people to obey. You can't force them to like it."

"Some people actually like to obey orders. It makes them allbreathless…" He waves at the keyboard and says nothing more, waiting. "Play," he says and waves me on. "No excuses."

"I'll play more if you play something for me."

Julien frowns. "That's not how this chain of command works Eve. I'm the one who gives the orders. You're the one who obeys."

"Please?" I say, smiling sweetly. "I want to hear you play the piece that made Vasily cry."

Julien shakes his head, smiling back, exhaling in exasperation. Finally, gives in and picks up the violin case. He removes the bow and adjusts it, then he takes out the violin and spends a few moments preparing, tuning the instrument, warming up.

"What will you play?"

He runs the bow over the strings a few times, the instrument resting against his chin and shoulder, his head tilted, his eyes closed.

"Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto, the Canzonetta Andante in G Minor."

Then he starts to play the theme from the concerto's second movement and he plays so beautifully, the violin's voice so sweet and sad. The piece is familiar – I spent most of my early life in and out of concert halls listening to classical music and he plays very well for an amateur. Very well, and I remember what Michel said about centuries of practice.

I look over at Vasily and see his eyes moist and that brings tears to my own eyes.

As Julien plays, his eyes remain closed, his face impassive as if every ounce of emotion goes into his playing. I wipe my eyes quickly, not wanting him to see my tears. I'm taken aback that he plays, and that he plays so well. He seems like someone with no depth, crass, superficial. Like the world is a big joke and everything in it just toys for his amusement. He finishes and puts the violin down. He turns to me, his face guarded.

"There. Now you play. Don't get used to putting conditions on me or you'll be disappointed. I'm not into obedience."

"That was beautiful," I say, my voice a bit too emotional but he makes no response except to motion to the piano.

I sigh and play the Chopin Ballade but I struggle, paying close attention to each note. I manage to play the first section, and the slow beautiful section, which moves my heart so much, but falter at the coda as usual.

When I'm done, Julien collects up all my music except the Ballade and takes it with him to the office. When he returns, he sits down on the bench beside me. "From now on, the only piece you're allowed to play is this. I don't care if you snivel like a baby while you're doing it. Now," he says and takes my hands, places them on the keyboard. "Play that again. The part you still screw up." He waits, motioning for me to begin when I hesitate. "Chop chop."

I'm so – frustrated. I want to throw something at him.

"Vasily, she's not playing."

"She should be playing, Boss," Vasily yells from the office.

"She isn't. I don't think she has this obedience thing down yet. I'm planning on spanking her little bottom like the bad girl that she is for leaving the coffee shop yesterday without permission and for getting captured," Julien says, that lopsided smirk starting. "Should I spank her twice now?"

"Boss," Vasily says, humor in his voice. "You'll do what you want of course. Who am I to say no? But she did have a very bad day yesterday and is very sad. It might not be good idea to spank her today. Maybe on Tuesday."

I can't stop myself. I cover my eyes and smile, hating him for making me do it.

"Oh, now she's smiling, Vasily," Julien says, his voice playful like the old Julien I remember. "I don't think she believes that I'll spank her on Tuesday."

Tags: S.E. Lund Paranormal