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“I’m sorry.” I sniffed, wiping my tears away. I wasn’t exactly making a great first impression. I could only imagine what his dad thought of the crazy pregnant woman crying on his sofa. Just then, the door opened and Josh came in with two drinks in hishands.

“Savannah!” he exclaimed, putting the drinks on the coffee table and rushing over to me. “What’s wrong? Why is she crying?” he asked, looking at hisdad.

I saw him shrug and I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m fine Josh. I think I’ve traumatized your dad though!” I said, wiping the last of the tears away and pulling myselftogether.

He looked between me and his dad, and then back at me. “But you’re crying,” he said, his face full of concern. “My mom upset you, didn’tshe?”

I shook my head. “No Josh,” I replied, hoping telling a little white lie to save his feelings wasn’t classified as actually lying. “She just wants the best for you, and she was bound to have questions,” I said quietly as he kneeled in front of me, taking my hands inhis.

“You are the best for me Sav,” he said before kissing me softly on the lips. I heard someone clearing their throat behind Josh and he pulled away, standing up. His mom was standing in the doorway, her face like thunder as her eyes metmine.

“Dinner’s ready,” she said before turning and leaving the room. I smiled at Josh, not wanting him to see that her behavior was having an effect onme.

Dinner was tense, to say the least, and I barely ate a thing, my stomach churning with unease. The conversation was stilted, with Josh’s dad trying his best to break the tension by telling us about the cruise they’d just returned from. I noticed that Josh’s mom hardly ate anything either and was just pushing her food around her plate. I tried to engage her in conversation, telling her about Libby and Mason’s wedding plans, but she only nodded and offered one-wordanswers.

When it came time to leave, Josh’s parents walked with us to the front door, where Josh’s dad turned and hugged me. “Welcome to the family Savannah. Grace will come around, don’t worry,” he whispered in my ear, and I smiled at him as he stepped back and pulled Josh into a hugtoo.

“Are you not staying here tonight Josh?” his mom asked as Josh kissed her on thecheek.

“No Mom, I’m staying with Savannah,” he replied as he turned and took myhand.

“Thank you for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Miller,” I saidpolitely.

“Oh, call us Robert and Grace,” Josh’s dad said with a wink, and I smiled and nodded athim.

“Bye Josh, Savannah,” his mom said coolly as she turned and walked back up the hall toward the sitting room. I heard Joshsigh.

“I’ll have a word with her son, she’ll comearound.”

“Thanks Dad,” he said as we made our way out to the driveway. I heard the door close behind us and Josh pulled me into his arms. “Baby, I am so sorry, that was a horrible evening.” He kissed the top of my head and pulled back to look at me. “I can’t believe my mom behaved likethat.”

“It’s a lot to take in,” I said with a shrug. “She’s protective of you, I getthat.”

“She was rude to you. I thought she’d be happy for me,” he saidsadly.

I reached my hand up and cupped his face. “Give her some time babe,” I told him. “Maybe she’ll feel differently when it’s sunk in and your dad has talked toher.”

“Maybe,” he replied, not sounding convinced. “Come on, let’s go home. We’ll leave my truck here—I don’t want you driving back on your own.” I nodded and followed him to myBug.

We were silent on the drive home, Josh’s hand encased in mine the whole way. I’d known telling his parents I was pregnant with another man’s child wasn’t going to be easy, but I was upset for Josh. I’d experienced what it was like for a parent to be disappointed in a choice you made, and I didn’t want that for him. I also didn’t want him to have to choose between me and his parents. Selfishly, I didn’t want him to doubt our relationship because his mom thought he shouldn’t be with me, although from the speech he’d made earlier, I had to hope and pray that wouldn’t happen. I supposed only time wouldtell.

Thankfully I managedto avoid Josh’s parents for the next couple of weeks, the days and nights filled with school and wedding plans. Josh stayed with me every night after his parents returned home from their cruise, and it was beginning to feel like he had moved in for good. I loved being with him, but I didn’t want him to distance himself from his parents. He’d hardly seen his mom since the disastrous evening a couple of weeks ago, and after speaking to his dad at work, it was clear that his mom still thought he was making a mistake by being with me. Josh brushed it off, telling me he wasn’t bothered, saying as long as he had me and the baby, he had everything he needed. He didn’t fool me though—I’d known him too long for that. I knew he was hurt that his mom wasn’t being supportive and encouraged him to go talk to her, but hewouldn’t.

It was the night of Mason’s bachelor party and Libby’s bachelorette. Jack had flown in the day before, and the boys were heading to Austin for a night out before heading back to the ranch. The girls were having a meal and a night of dancing in Marble Falls. I was in my bedroom in just my underwear, trying to find something to wear that made me look half decent, when I heard the cottage door opendownstairs.

“Honey, I’m home,” Josh called out and I smiled; he’d taken to saying that every time he came through the door, and I lovedit.

“Upstairs babe,” I called out as I continued to flick through my closet. I heard footsteps on the stairs and turned as the bedroom door swung open. I watched as Josh’s eyes tracked over my nearly naked body, and I felt heat pool between my legs. Biting down on my lip, my eyes met his. “Hi,” I said quietly, squirming as a familiar ache began to develop in the pit of mystomach.

“Hi,” he whispered back, crossing the room in two strides and wrapping me in his arms. “Do you have any idea how sexy you look, standing there in your bra and panties?” he murmured into the crook of my neck, his lips brushing against my skin and making me shiver. I moaned as he slipped the strap of my bra off my shoulder and kissed down my neck and arm. Unclipping my bra with ease, he gently pulled it off my body and tossed it onto the floor. His fingers found my breasts and he cupped them, one in each hand, his thumbs flicking over my sensitive nipples. My head dropped back and I moanedagain.

“I love your tits baby,” he murmured as his head dropped to my chest, his hot mouth enveloping my nipple. As his tongue began licking and nibbling my sensitive skin, I felt my knees buckle. Quickly releasing my breast from his mouth, Josh’s arms shot around my waist and he picked me up, carrying me the short distance to the bed. I whimpered at the loss of his mouth on me and he chuckled, brushing his lips against mine. I wrapped my legs tightly around him, kissing him like he was the oxygen I needed for my next breath, and I pushed my tongue into his mouth, stroking it against his. My hands pulled sharply on the hair at the base of his neck and I ground my hips against him, feeling him hard against the thin material of my panties. Still kissing me, he groaned into mymouth.

Pulling away, he placed me gently on the bed, his hooded eyes boring into mine. I watched as he quickly took off his clothes, his erection springing free as he removed his underwear. Climbing on the bed, he lay on his side next to me. As he leaned over to kiss my lips, I felt his hand brush over my bump and his fingers slide between my legs. They brushed against my clit and I whimpered as he teased me, stroking me into a frenzy. I raised my hips off the bed in an attempt to get more friction from his fingers, and sensing that I needed more, he slid one finger then another inside me and began pumping them in and out while his thumb circled my clit. My body was on fire and I could feel my orgasm building. Suddenly, he removed hisfingers.

“Don’t stop,” Ibegged.

“I’ve got you baby,” he said huskily against my lips. His mouth began moving down my body, peppering small kisses along the way. His kisses continued until his head was between my legs and his tongue began circling my center. After a few seconds, he pushed two fingers insideme.

Tags: Laura Farr Healing Hearts Romance