Page 14 of Wicked Kingpin

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Chapter Six

Knox pictured Leah on his bed, her rich, dark chestnut hair spread across the pillows, her legs splayed open in front of him.

He groaned, resting one palm against the tiled wall while he used the other to work his cock. This was the business he’d told her he needed to tend to.

She tasted so fucking sweet and Knox wanted to do it all over again. Make her come all over his face. Her languid expression afterward looked so exquisite that Knox branded it in his memory forever.

Knox’s balls drew tight against his body. Every muscle felt locked in place. He worked his dick faster. His breaths came short. One last tug and Knox let out a groan, spilling his seed all over the shower walls. Knox rested his forehead against the cool wall.

Fuck. He was a saint for reeling in his control. She looked so fuckable, so eager on his bed. Knox bet she wouldn’t resist him one bit if he chose to take her cherry tonight and he didn’t understand why he’d held back.

He was Knox Carter. Once he saw something he liked, he took it without apology.

This woman was doing strange things to him.

She’s going to make you soft, said a nasty voice in his head. His father’s disapproving voice.

Knox saw his old man sitting him down in the funeral home all those years ago, telling Knox not to make the same mistake as he did. His old man fell for someone so hard, he crumbled once his soul mate was gone.

“I’m fucked,” Knox said, turning the shower on.

He stood there longer than usual, letting the water drench his hair and body until his skin started to turn wrinkly.

Knox stepped out fifteen minutes later. He thought a shower would cool him off. Make him see reason again, but it didn’t. If his father was still alive today, Knox’s old man would remind him to let go of liabilities.

Leah clearly was one. Knox left the bathroom, remembering to put boxers on. He usually slept nude but slipping into bed with her naked wasn’t such a wise idea. Knox was barely holding onto his self-control as it was.

Knox’s phone started to ring from somewhere in the apartment. He was loath to leave Leah, but it must be something important. It had to be or someone was going to lose a finger or a more important body part. He found his cell phone in the living room. It was Patrick. Knox answered, mood foul.

“What? This better be important. It’s past midnight,” he reminded his second-in-command.

“It’s bad, boss. One of our warehouses was looted. Don’t know which group did it.” Patrick sounded worried as hell.

Knox clenched his jaw. “Which warehouse? Be specific.”

“Warehouse G. The one by the Davenport docks.”

Fuck. That warehouse contained a large shipment of weapons and ammunition they intended to sell in a black-market auction in two months. The losses would be significant.

Worse, if word got out that his organization couldn’t even prevent the theft of their own merchandise, their reputation would take a serious dive.

“Where were the guards?” Knox demanded.

He hired expensive mercenaries, ex-military, to guard that place night and day.

“All dead.”

That wasn’t good news.

“How bad is the damage?” Knox asked.

“It’s hard to tell. We haven’t assessed the losses yet,” Patrick answered.

“I’ll be there soon.” Knox ended the call and returned to his room.

Leah remained tangled in his sheets, looking cute as fuck as she hugged one of his pillows against her chest. Knox noticed with some amusement that she had put her panties back on. As if that would stop Knox if he was really serious.

Knox dressed in one of his favorite suits, remembering to put on a Kevlar vest. He took two of his favorite handguns with him and a knife he was fond of.

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