Page 37 of The Killer's Prize

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Five Years Later

Jessie parked the minivan in front of the driveway. Then she turned to her five-year-old son, Julian. “Are you excited to show Daddy and your sisters your prize from school?”

“Uh-huh.” Julian beamed at her. He’d inherited her dark curls and Sergio’s green eyes.

They exited the vehicle. Julian bounded up the porch steps leading to their home. After Jessie announced to Sergio that she was pregnant with Julian five years ago, they moved out of the trailer.

It had taken a month, but they’d both found the perfect house in town. The three-floor Victorian-style house was perfect and big enough for their growing family. Jessie unlocked the front door. Since Sergio was home early to mind the girls, she didn’t need to turn off the security system.

Despite the fact the Rossi Family was no more, Sergio continued to be a vigilant and protective father. After Sergio killed Victor, the lieutenants in the Rossi Family fought each other to claim Victor’s position.

In the end, they killed each other off. Survivors fled or joined other groups in the city. Meanwhile, Jessie had been promoted to store manager at the bookstore. Sergio had also become an associate in the security firm, and they had Julian, Dawn, and Silvia.

Sergio usually greeted them at the door. Fear stabbed through Jessie, but she knew was probably being paranoid. He had installed a state-of-the-art security system inside the house and on its grounds.

As she grabbed Julian’s hand, they entered the living room. She instantly relaxed. Sergio had fallen asleep on the couch. Her sexy husband hadn’t bothered with a shirt. The twins, both dressed in matching pink onesies, snoozed on his chest. Warmth rushed through Jessie at the adorable image. She took out her phone and snapped a picture.

At the sound, Sergio opened his eyes to slits and automatically reached for something under his pillow. Seeing her and Julian, he smiled. Sergio sat up slowly, careful not to wake the girls.

“How did it go?” he asked. The two of them took turns looking after the kids. It was a good thing both their bosses agreed to the two of them having flexible schedules.

“Daddy, I won first prize.” Julian took the empty seat next to Sergio and showed him his certificate.

Sergio whistled. “Look at that. I’ve always been a crappy artist. Your talent must come from your mom.”

“Sergio,” she warned.

“Oops. Shouldn’t have saidcrappy.”

“Hand me the girls. I’ll put them to sleep while the two of you catch up,” Jessie suggested. Once Sergio transferred the twins to her, she took them upstairs, to their rooms. Neither of them woke. By the time she returned to her boys, Julian looked sleepy.

“Time for a bath, then bed,” she told her son.

“Aw. Okay,” Julian agreed.

Once they tucked Julian in bed, Jessie turned to her husband. “Did you have a tiring day?” she asked him, sliding her arms around his neck. She gasped as he put his hands on her sides, then lifted her like she didn’t weigh a thing.

“I always have time and energy for my beautiful wife,” Sergio answered.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and giggled. He carried her to the bedroom. Jessie wasn’t worried about the kids. Julian slept like a log and there was a baby video monitor in the twins’ room that they could view on a phone app.

Sergio lowered her to the bed and she was out of her clothes in seconds. For a few moments, she had the opportunity to admire her hot husband as he stripped out of his shirt and boxers. She licked her lips and crooked a finger at him. Sergio smirked, then climbed on top of her.

He pinned her arms above her head, sealing his lips over hers. Even five years later, Jessie could never get enough of his addictive kisses or his possessive touches. Sergio positioned his thickening dick between her thighs and entered her in one sure and powerful thrust. Jessie gasped, moaning into his mouth as he rutted her.

Sergio withdrew his lips from her. “How do you want me to fuck you, baby?”

“Fast and rough,” she whispered.

The force of his passionate thrusts practically made the mattress vibrate under them. He reduced them both to pants and groans. Each time he entered her, he hit her sensitive clit.

She arched her back as he brushed against her G-spot. He took her mouth again, thrusting his tongue down her throat. His last push shattered the pressure building inside her. Her vision blurred and her mind floated in a sea of bliss as he emptied his seed into her pussy.

“Love you so fucking much, baby,” he murmured.

“Love you back.” Jessie always relished hearing those three special words from her man.

As he tucked her body against his big one, she began to feel languid and sleepy. Half a decade ago, she could never picture finding the perfect man and raising three beautiful children with him.

Most people might never use the wordperfectto describe Sergio. After all, his past was drenched in blood, but she didn’t care about who he was before he met her. He was undeniably and irrevocably hers, and that was the only thing that mattered.

The End

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