Page 32 of The Killer's Prize

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Chapter Fourteen

Shattering glass prompted Sergio to leave his hiding spot, the large oak tree behind the trailer. He hadn’t been idle after receiving Aldo’s call. He knew the fucker wouldn’t come here on his own, so he expected additional company.

He caught sight ofBaldotrying to enter his window. He shook his head.Baldoreally had shit for brains.Baldoprobably thought he’d slip inside the trailer and try to give Sergio a nasty surprise. Even sick as he was, Sergio could easily finish off a small fry likeBaldo.

Anger lived and breathed inside his skin like a wild animal, but Sergio refused to let his emotions get in the way. He needed to be calm. To do what needed to be done in order for Jessie and him to survive this ordeal.

“Hey, asshole. I’m standing right here,” he said.

Baldoturned, whipping his gun at him. The same one he used to shatter the window. Sergio pulled the trigger and missed.Baldostared at the bullet that missed his head by an inch then back at him. The bastard eyed him up and down and laughed.

“You’re off your game, Sergio. Gotten soft living out here in the boondocks?”


Sergio returned to his hiding place and gritted his teeth. Damn it all. Why did he have to catch the dratted flu now of all days? Even worse, his head felt too heavy for his shoulders, like it was about to drop any moment. He coughed for several long moments. He could hearBaldo’sfootsteps closing in.

“Come out, Sergio. Let’s face each other like men!”

Baldofired again and again. Sergio waited until his clip was out.Baldofavored his customized Glock. He counted eighteen rounds then dropped to the ground. Judging by the surprised expression onBaldo’sface,Baldohadn’t expected him to go low.Baldofired. His gun clicked.Baldocursed, fumbling for another gun inside his jacket.

Sergio fired, aiming for the bastard’s groin, but ended up shooting in the left thigh inside. Damn it. His vision remained blurred. He coughed some more. Whatever.Sowhat if he missed his target?Baldodropped to one leg, screaming.

“You should’ve stayed home,Baldo. Who else is with you?” Sergio asked.

The cameras outside the trailer were connected to his phone. He’d seenBaldoarrive in his flashy red Porsche. Sergio didn’t see any other backup, but who knew? They could be arriving on his doorstep any moment.

“As if I’d tell you anything, traitor!”Baldopulled out another gun.

Sergio shot him in the right leg this time.Baldoscreamed again, toppling over. Sergio ran up to him and kicked his gun away. Sergio broke into another coughing fit. He nearly dropped his gun, but Sergio managed to hold on to it.

Baldotook that opportunity to grab his left ankle and pull. Sergio lost his balance and fumbled for his gun.Baldo’spunch knocked the wind out of his lungs. Sergio shoved the barrel against the side of his head.

Fear flashed across his eyes. “Don’t kill me, Sergio. I’ll do anything. Give you anything.”

“You don’t have anything I want.” Sergio fired.

Blood, skull, and brain matter splattered all over his face and chest.Baldo’sdead eyes stared back at him as Sergio wiped away the blood off his eyes. Sergio shoved away his heavy corpse. He lay on his back, panting. Jesus.Baldoput up more of a fight than he expected.

Sergio didn’t have time to rest. He could hear the familiar rumble of his Mustang’s engine. Sergio squinted at the approaching car. It came to a halt. Jessie and Aldo emerged at the same time. His woman looked as pale as a ghost. Seeing the dried blood on the side of his face filled him with quiet rage.

This was all his fault. Sergio had let his guard down during the past few weeks. The soft and naïve part of him really thought Jessie and he could get away scot-free. That they could focus on living their lives and forget about the Rossi Family. Sergio should’ve known better. Jessie distracted him, made him weak—but in some ways, she also made him strong.

Aldo pointed his gun right at her and shoved her forward. Aldo caught sight ofBaldo’sbody first, then Sergio, slowly rising to his feet.

“You look like shit, Sergio,” Aldo said. Aldo made a face as he studiedBaldo’scorpse. “You’ve robbed me of my most trusted lieutenant.”

“Believe me, Aldo. You’re better off with someone else,” he said, panting.

How could he be out of breath after taking out one man? If Sergio didn’t have the flu, he wouldn’t have any trouble dispatching someone likeBaldo. Aldo knew it, too, judging by the smug look the bastard wore.

“You’re a fucking mess, Sergio. You can barely stand on your two feet. What the fuck’s wrong with you?” Aldo smiled when he asked that question.

The cocky bastard knew he had the advantage. He pressed the barrel of his gun closer to the cut on Jessie’s head, making her cry out.

“Don’t,” he said through gritted teeth.

“I’m the one giving the orders here. You know how this will all play out, Sergio. Drop your gun.”

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