Page 5 of Demented Devil

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The Bianchi Familia might be losing some of the influence they once held on the city, but they were still one of the largest weapons distributors in the region.

Lev shrugged. “It’s the right thing to say.”

Maxim clasped his brother’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

“Will this affect us badly?” Lev asked him.

He sounded genuinely concerned. Lev frightened most of Maxim’s men, but their fears were irrelevant. If there was one thing Maxim could count on in this world, it was his brother’s loyalty to him and the Semenov Bratva.

“Not at all. Old man Lorenzo has another daughter. This situation can be salvaged,” Maxim said. “I will head to their home, pay my respects to Lorenzo, and take a peek at this second daughter of his. The one he’s ashamed of.”

Lev followed Maxim out of the basement and to the second floor. They entered Maxim’s private bedroom. Maxim changed out of his shirt and jacket.

Initially, Maxim had planned on wearing the same suit to the viewing, but it had gotten wrinkled and sweaty during Peter’s interrogation. Maxim, of all people, understood the power of appearances. He fixed his tie then smoothed his hair. Lev hadn’t left his side the entire time, and Maxim wondered if there was something else Lev wanted.

“So you’re not bothered you’d be marrying the other daughter?” Lev asked. “You said Lorenzo was ashamed of her.”

It surprised Maxim that this conversation had gone on this long. Lev had never shown interest in anything but affairs concerning the family.

“I will admit that Aurora Bianchi and I would have been a more ideal match,” Maxim admitted.

Aurora had established herself as a well-known figure in her father’s company. Instead of marrying the dutiful daughter, Maxim would be getting a wild card. Maxim wasn’t sure how he felt about that.

Lev said nothing, so Maxim continued, “Ultimately, this new arrangement will work just fine. Lorenzo needs this alliance badly. The Rossi Familia has already begun moving on their turf.”

“Do you need me by your side?” Lev asked.

“That won’t be necessary. This will just be a simple social call,” Maxim said. “I rather you work on Peter.”

“Good luck,” Lev said, moving to the door.

“I don’t need it, brother,” Maxim said.

Lev chuckled, and Maxim smiled. He couldn’t recall the last time he ever heard his brother laugh.

Maxim took one last look at his reflection and nodded in satisfaction. Put a monster in a ten-thousand-dollar suit and he would always look like a gentleman despite his scars and tattoos.

It was time to pay Lorenzo Bianchi and his daughter, Maxim’s future bride, a visit.


They held the viewing at the Bianchi family home. It was located in the older and wealthier neighborhood of Giland City as opposed to the newer and up-and-coming neighborhood where the Semenov headquarters was located. The colonial-style Bianchi mansion sat on 6,000 acres of lush and well-manicured landscape.

Once in front of the wrought-iron gates, Maxim’s driver gave the security guards his name. They seemed to expect Maxim because they immediately let them through.

Ivan, Maxim’s third, had insisted on accompanying him to this meeting. Protesting would have wasted more time, so Maxim had allowed him to come.

The driver dropped Ivan and Maxim off in the driveway.

A butler stood by the front door to greet guests. It seemed Ivan and Maxim weren’t the only ones paying their respects. Many of Lorenzo’s extended family members were present, Maxim noted, and some of them gave Ivan and him openly unfriendly looks.

“Doesn’t seem like we’re welcomed here,” Ivan murmured softly next to Maxim as they entered the house.

This wasn’t Maxim’s first time at the Bianchi family home. Maxim knew Lorenzo’s tastes ran to ornate and heavy furniture while Maxim preferred simple and functional pieces.

“Not everyone in Lorenzo’s family wants this alliance,” Maxim said with a shrug.

The viewing was held in the family living room. Lorenzo’s guests gathered in small groups.

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